
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just Because Award

Jessica gave me this wonderful "Just Because" award which was created by Nita at Anti-Social Distorions.

This is what Jess had to say:

This "Just Because" award goes to Dianna with Digicats (& Dogs).

I've found your idea's, continuous history lessons, spunky "call it all out" attitude and friendship a refreshing take in my every day life. Thank you hun!

Just Because Award

The rules for this award are ass follows: pass it on to only one person at a time & attach a surprise gift. It could be a personalized tag, a CU item, gift certificate or even a scrapkit ..ect, ect. To get your surprise you must message the award giver & acknowledge the award.

I'm now going to have to consider who to pass this one along to.

Meanwhile, thanks so much Jess for the award and for the Pressie!

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