
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring Break Fever...

A peak at an upcoming kit I'm working on. I don't think I've ever seen a kit for Spring Break before. Gotta be different. Besides, how many designers live in a spring break town?

Spring Break Fever

And I LUV that Garv tube...don't you?

FUZZY BUNNIES! Don't you just love 'em? This is the preview for my part of the collab for Aussie Scrap Designs.

Bunny Hop Preview

I know, I know. It IS Rufus the cat, but there's bunnies in there too. Believe me, there are!

And...I dunno...Did I post this one already?

Part of the upcoming collab at Just4Taggers which is called "A Spring Garden".

A Spring Garden

Not my usually cuppa Joe, however I do have to say that the kits I've seen coming through are just adorable. This should be available very shortly. Spring Fever will be out at or around the beginning of March and Bunny Hop isn't due out until the beginning of April. So you'll have to wait for that one.

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