
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New from Digicats: Bonita!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
And what better way to celebrate than with a new Digicats release?

Bonita Preview

Discover the fascinating world of Mexico where there are hidden treasures just waiting to be explored! Ancient Aztec pyramids, authentic foods and fantastic shopping are just some of the attractions. Whether you're looking to visit past civilizations or simply lay on the beach and work on your golf game... Mexico can accommodate.

This beautiful taggers size kit it a little Mexican vacation all neatly packaged for you. You get 20 beautiful (800 x 800 pxl, .jpg) papers showing the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico at Cozumel, and 107 .png elements including 2 Chiquita Bonita posers from (c)MediEvil Creations.

Just remember to stick to drinking the cerveza while you are there! ;)

300 DPI. Personal use only.

Sorry! This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

A brief history of Cinco de Mayo:
On May 5, 1862, 4,000 Mexican troops using machetes, cattle and one really good Calvary unit held off a combined French-Mex force of 8,000 just outside of Mexico City. The smashing of the French troops stopped them from supplying the American Rebel forces and led to the end of the American Civil war 18 months later at Gettysburg.

It's a historical event, not just for Mexicans, but for Americans as well. And - you know me - any excuse for party is a good one!

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