
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tuts and Tags and a Discount World Tour!

Rock N Rollin

Woo-Hoo! A new tut from Falcon called "Rock N A Rolling" using my At the Hop kit. You can try that tutorial at Stardust N Dreams Tutorials.

You can grab you copy of At the Hop at:

Inspiration of Scrapfriends Blinkie  Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie

Everything Zen

And Elizabeth did this great tag using my Everything Zen kit! You can find the tutorial at Jorgie's Place.

Everything Zen is available exclusively at Mystical Scraps.

Sydney - by Jessica

And last, but certainly not least, Le Sophisti-Scrappin Summer World Tour has kicked off, and our first stop is Sydney. Jessica put together this great tag using my Sydney mini-kit.

Sydney - by Brandie

Brandie of Brandie's Eye Candies also did a tag using my kit..

Digi's Discount World Tours also starts Sunday only at Sophisti-Scraps. Find out where in the world you can go for just a buck!

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