
Friday, November 19, 2010

A Doctor Who Christmas

A Dr. Who Xmas

Mary did this rather inventive tag using my new Clockwork Christmas kit and my CU London Calling pack. I got rather a kick out of it.

That is an actual police box. The police box in my British Vacation kit is not a police box at all, but a Tardis. (Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.)

And I do have some Dr. Who presets for poser, including a K-9. Maybe I should work on that?

I lost track around the sixth doctor. It didn't help that our PBS station didn't broadcast the episodes in any sort of order, so one week you'd have Tom Baker, the next week we'd get a Jon Pertwee episode.

On a side note, for those who asked about Mom, she was moved to a nursing home today and if she works hard on her rehab, can go home in about two months. As an added incentive, she can't call QVC or Home Shopping Channel from the nursing home, and I know that's gonna kill her.

When I talked to her earlier, I got her new phone number and she said "And can you network that for me please?" I'm like..."Wha? Net???? Oh, you want to to me e-mail my aunties." They're teaching her high tech language now!

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