
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Showcase Blog and New Tutorials

I've started up a new blog where you can find all the tags and tuts that are being done using my kits. It's called Digi's Showcase, and you can find it HERE!

Please be sure to bookmark it and follow it as well! Lots of great ideas! And of course if you've done a tutorial or a tag and would like me to show it off in the showcase, sent it along and I'll be happy to add it.

I just added four new tutorial - two fab ones by Elizabeth and a pair of animated tutorials, one from Bev of Horseplays Pasture and one from Jessica at Gothic Inspirations tutorials. So be sure to check it out. I'll be moving (hopefully) the tutorial announcements from this blog over to the showcase blog!

Creative Team Call

Digicats (& Dogs) is looking for tutorial writers!

Minimum: 2 kits per month, 1 tut per kit posted to five tut groups and/or forums of your choice.

Members that do more than the minimum get their names tossed into a hat and one gets pulled for 3 free tubes each month.

If you are interesting in working with my kits for free, please send your tut blog link to with "CT CALL" in the subject line.

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