A couple of year ago I did a kit for a collab and I've always meant to rework it and offer it to you as a Friday Freebie. I finally got around to it.
The kit your getting bears little resemblance to the one I did for the collab. All of the papers are different, only 2 of the frames were in the original kit and may 75% of the rest of the elements are new or re-worked.
I went sort of Emo on it, but it's got muted colors, so it's more of a muted Emo sort of thing. I think you will enjoy it anyway.
This is taggers size, with 20 papers, and 85 elements.
Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.
If you know someone who is interested in this kit, please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.
To download from MediaFire, click HERE.
The password is "Any_Money" - no quotes.
If you enjoyed this freebie, please take a moment to vote for Digi!
Click on the blinkie to vote!
Next week's freebie will actually be on Monday, August 1st when the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train takes off, so be sure to check back then!
Remember that you can keep up with all the latest Digicats news and freebies just by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter!
awesome thank you, Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing....gorgeous kit ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana I also voted! (but it does take you to that site BTW) Good luck at staying #1!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this awesome kit. =)