
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Pirate Named

The following individual is a PIRATE!

He is sharing FTU and PTU copyrighted material on Google Groups, and reuploading files to MegaUpload and other file sharing sites. I have reporting this individual to the proper authorities.

You know, I try to be generous with my work, but some people just don't get it.

On every single freebie I offer I place the follwing information:

Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.

If you know someone who is interested in this kit, please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.

Well, Mr. Jerome Beland, what part of NO didn't you get? Was it the part before the N, after the O or the little bit in between that is giving you problems? This message applies to YOU Mr. Jerome Beland and to any other person who chooses to download a freebie from this site or purchases one of my PTU kits.

Please, if you download a kit from my blog or buy one at one my stores, please, please, please respect my copyright, or you will find your name posted here as well.

Rights Logo

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