
Saturday, October 8, 2011

From the Bookself

Dreams of a Dark Warrior (Immortals After Dark, #11)Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lore tells the tale of Aidan the Fierce, the Berserker warlord whose love for the Valkayrie Regin the Radiant, is so strong, that he defies death time and time again, to be reunited down through time, with Woden's daughter...

It's time for Regin's bicentennial date with her Berserker warlord, but when she's captured by the Bladesman, rumored to be the most evil mortal and the planet, and taken to a hidden facility to be tortured and experimented upon, Regin is sure that something has gone horribly wrong with Aidan's latest reincarnation. She has a plan...if she can just get the Bladesman to remember his past lives, the curse will take over and he'll die some horrible death...but even that plan seems to be going awry.

This is either book 9 or 11 of the Immortals after Dark series (depending upon whether you count the two novellas in the series as "books"). I'd been rather awaiting it, as Regin is one of the more interesting re-occurring characters, but we see little of Regin's pranks in this one. The tale is a good one, short of a small patch near the end of Cole's prose take a downward turn and she rushes over the battle scene with the Pravus, just so we can can get back to Regin's agonizing over the curse. But on the whole it's a solid story.

I rather liked the insights into Lothaire's mind. As he muses at one point, Nix foresees actions, and he foresees re-actions. The two seem be involved in some sort of time spanning chess game. Interesting, as the master vampire is the title subject of Cole's next book in the series, which is due out in paperback in January of 2012.

This entire series is well worth reading, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next installment.

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