
Friday, April 11, 2008

Magic Carpet Ride

black cat,Diamond
click on image to enlarge

I was sitting at the game tonight with Ed who kept showing up with food. I couldn't figure out what the occasion was until he reminded me it was Happy Hour Friday. We generally talk about baseball, but we got onto the subject of music. They were playing a Tom Petty song on the PA and he said that Petty had been one of the best concerts he'd ever seen.

I mentioned that my sister said that Petty was the first concert I ever took her to. But, I also pointed out that it was probably just the first concert she remembered.

As near as I can recall the first concert we ever went to was the Five Man Electrical Band. I was like 10 or 11 at the time so she was only like 6 or 7. That was a while a go - obviously.

After that it was Deep Purple, which was also my first conscious recollection of marijuana smoke at a concert. And I was still under age at that point as my Mom and one of her boyfriends escorted us.

And they also played some Steppenwolf, which set me off on this theme. The blue carpet is Diamond's magical sleeping carpet. Now she has the kitty quilt, that she likes better, but the blue carpet was the sleeping spot of choice for a long while.

The basic part of this kit was Shabby Princess' Moody Blues kit. It is not, however, big on elements. So I was poking around and found part of the Safari kit freebie I'd download by "Ana3sola". I have to find the rest of this and see if the website info is in it because as I recall, I was still missing some pieces.

The little journal paper piece came from Scrap Girls' African Beat kit.

Anyway, the Safari freebie pretty much provided the browns in the piece. I'm pretty happy with it. The brown provides the grounded "earthy" tones of reality while the blue opens up the freedom of dreaming.

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