
Friday, April 11, 2008


black cat
Click on image to enlarge.

Batman is one of the Turkey Cats along with Reggie, Riley and Abigail. They all came together as a group rescue from an organization called Fancy Cats, and recently turned 3-years old.

Batman is the reason for the Blog at Turkey Cats. He wanted to do Mancat Monday. (Oh? But not MIDNIGHT Monday? What's wrong, you too good for your fellow Panthers?)

Batman's fur is very soft and shiny. He is fascinated by the DVD player and the flashing lights. He loves to help his daddy put a new movie in the player. He also loves to pose for the camera. One time when he was young, he posed for about 20 minutes in several positions like a model.

He is in no way as evil or demented as this layout makes him look. In fact, I hear he is a great big cuddlebug.

Batman is in love with Jack's sister, Persephone, who also belongs to the House Panthers group.

This lay out was done with the Dinner Party Kit from Shabby Princess, the same kit I used on Tyler's layout.

It was the April 2006 give away kit, and was designed by Sara Carling.

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