
Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Six Pack of Fairy Goodness

1. The Man in the Moon


The Fae is (c) 2008 by Incognito Scrapz and is part of the Fairy Pack 3 collection, which is a freebie.

The scraps are from the Sunfidulgence taggers kit from Scraps by Jessica. This is one of the kits I bought for a buck last Monday at Taggers Scraps, which seems like forever ago now.

2. Autumn Nights


This little Fae is also (c) 2008 by Incognito and is part of the Fairy Pack 2, which I finally broke down and bought off of Sweet N Sassy Digi Scrappers earlier in the week. She was a bit of a muse, as I had to work with her the minute I saw her.

The scraps are from Scrappy Redhead's very lovely Autumn Nights kit, one of four that I'm using exclusively for this week's T-13. (Although, I did use one of Scrappy Lover's kits for mystery guest #7 - it just fit.)

3. Lucky Star


I overspent at Sweet N Sassy's and this was the reason why. The kit is called Fairy Dreams in the Moonlight and it's by Urban Mermaid. I've not keen about the first two releases in her Fairy Dreams collection, at least, not for the prices she charges, but from the moment I saw this one, I had to have it. All the blues and whites, and the adorably little lamby that are in it, just completely took me away.

The Taggers edition is $4.99 and I doubt you'll see any of the three Fariy Dreams kits on sale anytime soon.

The Fae is (c) 2008 by Incognito from her Fairy Pack 2. If she seems familiar, she is. She also appears in Fairy Pack 3 in a different pose. (See below...)

4. Snarl


Leopard Lush from Bittersweat Designs was one of the kits I picked up at the $1.00 sale on Taggers Scraps. I had done this piece, wasn't happy with it, ripped it apart and started over again.

The Fae is (c) 2008 by LK Designs (Sophisticated Scraps. The little cat is (c) 2008 by Brandi's Creations from her Stuff Animals 2 collection. The photo of the leopard kitten is and AP photo that I've had for a while and no longer have the credit for.

This is a kit I expect to be using during November's version of T-13 as it has fall type colors, even though it's not fall themed.

5. Fairy Dreams in the Moonlight


This is the signature piece for Urban Mermaid's kit by the same name, and uses, in part, the add-on which is currently available on her blog.

Don't wait too long to snag it, or it will end up in the $1.49 bin with all the rest of her freebies.

This the same Fae - (c) 2008 by Incognito - as the one above and I'd used this on in a tag for Bluey not too long ago. She is/was also used in one of the tags/tutes that go with this kit on UMD's blog. This tag is different from the one they did though.

6. Autumn Emerald


I finally used the Urban Chic kit from Candy's Treats and it's everything I've come to expect from Diane's work, so of course, I loved it. Another one of the dollar kits from Taggers Scraps.

The Autumn Fae (c) 2008 by Perfect Posers. I'd a seen a tag that sort of gave me the idea for this one, which is often how I work. I don't run the tutes (I probably should do that one day) and so they end up being different, but I like looking at the various tags as they give me ideas I use when I do something.

Then again, some of this sort of grew on it's own as I was creating the piece, which is probably why I don't run the tutes. I tend to improvise too much as I go along.

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