
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fuzzy Foot Warmer

Sir Tristan,Tabby Cat,Domestic Cat

Somewhere along the lines, the fur kids had a discussion. Diamond has become the new proud owner of the love seat, but has given up bed rights and Tristan has become my new fuzzy foot warmer. And unlike Diamond, who generally manages to push me out of her way during the course of the night, Tristan actually does lay on my feet and warms them.

Even when I had Diamond in the bedroom the other day when I was reading and Tris was out of the house, she wouldn't lay in her old spot at the foot of the bed, but instead took up residence at the top. Weirdness.



I think I mentioned before that I started out on the Digital Scrapbooking side of things and then discovered tagging. One of my first experiences with tagging had to do with Kristy's Scraps and a (then) FTU kit called Blue Rocker. She was just accepted into a boutique for the first time as a designer and Blue Rocker (and its sister kit, Pink Rocker) became her first PTU kits as well.

She's come a long way as she know has her own line of designer dolls and a whole stable full of kits, and has just become part owner of Angelic Scraps.

This is her Britney Doll and the scrap kit I used was her Sea Breeze" kit which I picked up on sale at DSLL. The Lady of the Lake Alpha was a freebie from Julie Itis.

As for myself, I did actually make the little teddy bear the Britney is "holding" and didn't screw it up (too badly), so perhaps there's hope for me yet. The template for the bear was from Farrah's Creations and I also got it at DSLL.

In a one horse open tag...

It started out with a sleigh ride this morning. I'd given up on Taggers, so I emptied my shopping card and went over to Designer Scraps and picked up some of the Soxsational Scraps Christmas kits. I like Tammy's work, even if she is Pengi crazy and a little heavy on the clip art end.

Sleigh Ride


The "Pretty Prancing Pony" is (c) Lacy Clagg. I've liked this particular poser since I first saw it, but then, I've always been a bit of a horse nut. The scraps are from an "Old Fashioned Christmas" taggers kit by Soxsational. The "Jingle Bells" word art was a freebie from Sticky Kisses, and the "Satin Gold" Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

This set me off on working on the T-13 for this upcoming week (which is done, yippee!)

Naughty or Mice?

Himalayan Cat,Mice,Elves,Christmas

The Cats are Maggy and Zoey from Zoolatry, and I used the "Mice Xmas" FTU kit from Bel Vidotti. I've seen her name quite a bit of late, evidently I've downloaded a number of her designs so I should probably set up a folder for her.

The Christmas tree and the elf are (c) Angelique Field/Digital Embellishments and are one of the sets I bought at Cool Scraps Digital. The "Candy Cane" alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Yes, Bel Vidotti based her kit on the same clip art that Cinnamon Scraps used in her "Christmaus Time" kit. Most of the designers get their clip art from the same source, so you'll see that quite a bit, which is one of the reasons I get tired of Clip Art based kits.

Miss Ann really liked this tag BTW, and said it was earning a permanent place on her side bar for the month of December. High praise from Zoolatry! Wow!

Santa and the Singing Pengies

Christmas,Santa Claus,Penguins

It's a new vocal group! Kind of like Alvin and the Chipmonks!

The scraps are from the "Silent Night" kit from Soxsational Scraps. I love the scraps, especially the ornaments, although I'm wondering how silent it can be with the Pengies warbling on like that.

Santa (or Mr. Claus) is from Perfect Posers and you can find him at Aussie Scraps.

The word art is courtesy of Jaelop Designs.


Elves ,Christmas

The "Elf" is (c) by Lacy Clagg. The scraps are from "A Girly Xmas" by Cinnamon Scraps. Um...I think this was another 40 cent kit, on sale at DSLL. It's actually kind of cute but I was getting flashbacks to memories of dysfunctional Christmas' past when my mother would get drunk and start ripping all the ornaments off the tree.

That's where they belong right? On the floor?

And then people wonder why I LIKE spending my holidays alone.

The word art is from Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin. Yeah, I know there's no mistletoe in the tag. Pretend, okay?

Santa Roo

Santa Claus,Catblogosphere Cats

I was reading comments left in Miss Diamond's blog and Vampy Victor said "Lucky Momma does not do Christmas here anymore..." We don't either, at least not in the way it's traditionally meant, but I like playing with it.

Anyway, I'd gotten the little Roo feltie as a .png off Digifree a few days ago. Needless to say, I've since forgotten where I downloaded it from. But it was really cute and I had snagged it with intent of doing a pressie tag for Aunt Evie, so no time like the present...

The scraps are from an "Old Fashioned Christmas" which features two(!) sleighs, plus another one with a reindeer attached to it. I wasn't sure how you harnessed Roos up a sleigh, although this seemed to work, kind of. I guess we won't know for sure until they take off?

The snowflakes are part of the very nice Christmas Bits FTU feltie collection from C.C. Designs. The word art is courtesy of Sticky Kisses.

Victor is the light gray kitty in the sleigh, Mushka, his mistress, is the Meezer. The can be found at Victor the Vampire Kitty.

Best Friends


Except that these are definitely NOT fair weather friends! The elf is (c) Lacy Clagg, and the scraps are from the "Snow Girls" taggers kit from Soxsational Scraps. The bar code word art is courtesy of Jaelop Designs. (I'm really digging the bar code word art, it's such a giggle!)

The First Pengi Noel


I was working on a tag for Moki for T-13 - Moki is a special needs kitty who blogs at Save Moki - and needed some doodles to make it work, so I used it as an excuse to buy the doodles from Calypso Design that I've been coveting. When I went over to Heavenly Taggerz however, I found that Calypso had released a new "Sadie Elf" poser.

I have to say, this is the nicest use of the Sadie template I've seen out of Poser/Daz3D. Brandi did an "Ice Fae" using it, and yeah, I'll do a tag with it sooner or later, but it's no where near as nice as this one.

The scraps are from the "Winter Blessings" taggers kit by Soxsational Scraps, which should probably be renamed "Pengi Blessings". If you like Penguins, you'll LOVE this kit.

As mentioned in a previous post, the little plushy kitty cats that appear in various places on the tags are from Designs by Sue and can be purchased at Aussie Scraps.

My major contemplation today, while working on the kitty cat tags was Winter vs. Christmas. I'm not doing anything at all with the religious end of the deal because I don't know who follows what out there on the BlogoSphere (and cats are all Pagan anyway). But I wanted to do two weeks of winter and two weeks of "Christmas".

After much thought I decided that if it had snow in it, even if Santa was present (such as in the tag for Auntie Evie) then it qualified as a "snow" tag, and if it didn't have snow in it, such as in the Zoolatry tag, then it was a "Christmas" tag. So, I did do some tags today that will be pushed back to the "Christmas" T-13s at the end of the month.

BTW: Is there a way to turn the Project Playlist OFF when you're visiting a blog that has one on autoplay? I freezes my computer while it's loading and really annoys the crap out of me. Not to mention the fact that's it long been considered rude to force people to listen to tunes when they are visiting your site.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Eggnog Anyone?



'Twas the night after Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for the roof rats, who are always up to something. Well..okay, actually it's pretty quiet tonight.

The Mere-Noel poser is (c) 2008 by Calypso Designs. The Christmaus Time scrap kit (which is full sized) is from Cinnamon Scraps and is her blog Pressie to all of us. The bar code word art is from Kanela's Xpressions and the Candy Cane Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Both Tris and Diamond went outside, which is also helping with the peace in the household just at the moment. I just the same kit on a tag for Tristan today, and while that one turned out cute, I think this one was a much better effort.


Christmas,Winter,Santa Claus

Noel, possibly from the Gaulish Words "noio" or "neu" meaning "new" and "helle" meaning "light", referring to the Winter Solstice when sunlight begins overtaking darkness.

See, I may not write tutorials, but you can still learn something on this blog.

The Mrs. Claus poser is from Perfect Posers. The Scraps are from Chaos Priestess' A Gothorian Xmas, which, much like her other two holiday themed kits is just stunningly gorgeous.

Equally beautiful is the lovely Winter Alpha from Andjelina's Designs, which was a limited time freebie at AhhhScrap.

Holiday Spirit


The "Red Elf" poser is from Lacy Clagg. She had something like 38 pages of sales items today at her tube store, many of which were scripts from Built by Beth, which I'm sure one day I'll appreciate, as soon as I've learned to run them. However, I ended up spending $20 just on tubes from Lacy, and that as after I money I had spent earlier on the Red & Blue Elf and Pretty Prancing Pony tubes. Needless to say, I have lots of toys to play with.

The scraps are from the "Spirit of Christmas" kit from Creations by Jo, which is a very lovely kit along traditional lines. The bar code word art is (again) from Kanela's Xpressions. I like it so much I wouldn't mind paying for more of it, if someone was producing it.

Snow Pengie


Untamed Angel put out three packs of funny little posers - the Pengie, seen above, Dragons and Donkey which looks quite a bit like the one from Shrek. I wonder if she can Puss In Boots next.

The Scraps are from Scrappy Redhead's "Snow Days" and "Snow Nights" taggers kits (combined). The word art flair is from Fun Word Art, and the glitter splats are from Calypso Designs.

See...I love glitter splats, and Calypso had their glitter splat collection for $5.00 at Heavenly Taggerz. So while I was there I bought the Mere-Noel poser, which is sort of unique - they also have "Jingles" or "Cheeky Elves" depending upon what designer you choose to get them from, and "Winter Girls", which I also have a set of as a freebie from Brandi's Creations.

So I bought the splats and the Noel poser, and the three new poser sets from Untamed, which were on sale. (I still can't check out of Taggers Scraps, but I'm not going to bemoan the fact anymore. I'm probably the only person in the world having trouble with them.)



If all that high finance was making your head spin, don't worry. This is a freebie tag.

"Xmas Nikki" is (c) Ben Krefta, and I got the tube from her from Scarabe Scraps. The link for her tubes no long work though, so I'm wondering if they were actually licensed.

The scraps are from a kit called Winterlicious by Missy (Misfits Scrapz). Kristen at Kristen's Wicked Scraps tipped me off to this one, I don't usually follow Missy's blog. The "C4Her" ornament alpha was a freebie add on to the "Christmas for Her" kit from Kirsty's Scraps. (I really do not need another pink winter kit, so I'm ignoring those. I have several, including Winterlicious which is pastel, which I got for free.)

Kirsty also gave us the template for that alpha, so maybe if I get brave, I'll try to make an alpha up for the Tranquil Xmas kit. (Yeah. Right.)

R U Ready?

Elves,Christmas,Santa Claus

Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose. The Blue Elf poser is (c) by Lacy Clagg. The Scraps are from Cinnamon Scraps "Gettin' Ready for Christmas" taggers kit which I paid 40 cents for at Designer Scraps 60% off sale. Heh!

The Flakey Alpha is from Lady Grundlefunk. I think I just download another really useful alpha from her too today. Humm....

The little cat that appears in various places in these tags is from Designs by Sue and can be found at Aussie Scraps along with any of the Perfect Poser creations.

Plushy Power

Wild Thing


The plushy is from Calypso Designs. They claim it's "Plushy Pack 2" but I've only seen this one from them thus far. DMK Designs' FTU Wild Thing kit provided the scraps for this one. The Zebra Alpha is by Tammy Jean Creations, who has a beautiful tabby cat she cares for.

Waiting for Santa


I was trying to recolor the shirt to red, but ended up making it more orangey, I think. Still, it occurs to me that I could recolor the plushies, which would make re-using them more interesting. Again, this is from Calypso Design's "Plushy Pack 2".

The scraps are from the "Waiting for Santa" Taggers kit from Cinnamon Scraps.

Just Peachy


Perfect Posers calls them Cuddlies, not Plushies, but a horse by a different name is still a horse.

The scraps are from Kittz Kreationz' Pastel Days Taggers Kit. The house is a FTU add on to that kit, which you can find at Kittz blog. The Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Garden Friends


I'm not sure that that's supposed to be. It's not a turtle, so I've decided it's a dragon. In any case, it's from the Perfect Poser pack. I'm thinking the pastels will be easier to recolor.

The scraps are from Kittz Kreationz "Bugs in my Garden" FTU taggers kit, which included the word art used in the piece.

So Dangerous


This kit, including a tutorial which I didn't do, but need to, is available on the Calypso Design blog. The only difference is, I used their freebie skunk plushy and they used one of Farrah's Chubbies.

I can't even take credit for the layout, since they thought of it. There is a mask included. I didn't know how to use it, so I didn't but that's why I need to do the tut, I guess..Then again, the tut is written in French and mine is VERY limited.


I actually got response back from Taggers. They claim the system is overloaded. I tried at 2:00 AM EST, again at 6:00 EST and now, at 6:30 AM EST and guess what? With two "members" and 4 "guests" in the store, their system is still overloaded.


In other words, they either don't know what the problem is, or it's a whole bait and switch thing. Lure people in with sale, but don't actually sell them anything.

Kiss This

I'm still kind of into the plushie thing, however, Candy's Treats had put out a new S.W.A.L.K. kit, which I already did a Devilicious tag with, but I had this lovely ur...Valentines fairy...from Outlaw by Design. The thing is...she looks really tough!

Fairies,Romantic,Fantasy,Valentine's Day

So pucker up boys!

This isn't exactly what I wanted to do, but I still can't get glitter to look right when I try to do something with it in PS5.0. So....

Hot 4 U

Plushies,Angels & Devils,Valentine's Day,Romantic

The little plushie is from Scrappy Lippy's Devil Me Care. She didn't enclose a credit list so I don't know if she got it elsewhere or if whe did get it elsewhere, where said elsewhere might be. I do like the little demon cat character though!

The Halloween Alpha was a freebie from Crazy Diamond. None of these were intended to be be either Halloween or Valentine's Day pieces, despite the fact that I put them in the Valentine's Day folder on Photobucket. Just didn't really know where else to put them.


Teddy Bear,Romantic,Valentine's Day

Here you go Manny, this one's for you! LOL!

I bought the Joe Cool bear a while ago. He's from Scraps with an Attitude and is available at Aussie Scraps. I figured I should do something with him.

We need some Christmas Bears. I guess I could just do a tag and stick a Santa hat on him?

I did get the items I wanted from Designer Scraps already. Their cart works fine. Never had a problem with it. And Lacy has a lot of interesting items in her tube store on sale which don't usually show up in her catalog, So If I take my money off elsewhere instead of spending it at Taggers, hey...can you blame me?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Holly Day Cheer

I'm in the Walgreens and they've got Christmas Carols playing (what else) and we hit the lines...

"A child, a child, shivers in the cold,
let us bring him silver and gold."

Um...wouldn't a blanket be a better gift? I mean, all the silver and gold in the world it's going to do the kid much good he dies of hypothermia.

I know, I know...

In any case...

Batty Little Christmas


I love Batilda from Lacy Clagg and decided that Halloween imp or not, she'd really enjoy some holiday fun.

The scraps came from a couple of kits from Shari's EZ Scraps which, given the amount of Christmas scraps I'm amassing, I'm likely to delete. I've still got them on CD,if I want to use them, but I've just got SOOO much right now.

The wreath, which is the centerpiece of the tag, is from Frosted Illusions and can be downloaded for free at Aussie Scraps. The "Love Santa" hat is from Kimb's Designs (both of those are keepers).

Candy Cane


The Tube is (c) by Alan Stevens and is courtesy of Patty Maeva at Graphisme. She has quite a number of high quality tubes from various artists and it worth checking out.

The scraps are from Blinged out Christmas from Creations by Jo. I bought two Christmas kits from CBJ, but ended up with Blinged Out Christmas on the system twice. Now I need to go back and see what I did. ::sigh::

Little Treasures


Urban Mermaid continues to put out some of the nicer and more original kits out there and Krafty Christmas is no exception. It was also on sale, as Sweet N Sassy started their Black Friday sale early.

The elf is from Angelique Field/Digital Embellishments, who is now selling out of Cool Scraps. When she left LCTS she sent all her customers a free limited edition tube set, which I thought was really quite nice of her. The Elf Set is commercial use BTW, and is very reasonably priced at $3.00.

The Old Book Alpha as a freebie from Humble Scraps. It works quite well with this kit.

Santa's Helper


That's me! Or it was when my Grandfather was still alive.

The Blue Elf and the Pretty Pony are both from Lacy Clagg and which are both on sale, now through Saturday. The Scraps are from the Dear Santa kit from Designs by Helly which was on Sale (yesterday) at Ahhh Scrap. She's got a sale going on at Ahhh Scrap (60% off) through Saturday. I would mention the sale at Taggers Scraps, but today, again, they are not shipping to my region.

That brings us to...

Christmas in the Twin Cities


The tube is (c) by Alan Stevens and is again courtesy of Graphisme. The scraps are from Candy's Treats "O Christmas Tree" taggers kit, dating back from a happier, non-sale day when Taggers Scraps was shipping to my region.

Have I mentioned I really hate Taggers Scraps? I really like Diane's kits, I just wish she'd align herself with a real online store somewhere.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Plushies

When I got up this morning, Tristan was on the Love Seat sleeping and Diamond was on the floor, trying to kill him with nasty looks. There's a whole sectional she could sleep on (and which I happen to know she likes sleeping on) but no...

It's amazing how much like human kids they can be.

These first two tags feature plushies from the free download area at Poser Realm. I really like the fabrics on the pair, it makes them rather unique compared to the other plushies I've seen:

Plushie Princess


This uses the "Goth Child" kit from Creations by Jo. Danielle is much, much to young to be into the Goth or Emo thing, but the colors were bright, which in the end is why I chose it.

She is however, very much into the Princess thing so...

The "Purple Coat" Alpha is from Scrap Alpha, one of two very similar ones that Digifree found for me.

Candy Cat


This also a Creations by Jo kit, this one a taggers kit called "Sweet Candy". I had bought "Goth Child" as a full sized kit because I intend to use it on Diamond's blog, sooner or later.

The Alpha came with the "Sweet Candy" kit. I was reminded that besides adding the artwork copyright to my tags, I need to add my own recognition somewhere. Or as my Grandmother told me: "Always sign your artwork when your finished with it."

I'd like to try to work a little cat clip into the picture to use as the part of the "tagged by" thing, but that's not always going to be feasible. In this case though, it was.

Let's Dance


I'd done this piece about the same time I did the Ballerina Bear, I just never posed it to the site.

The "Dolls" are from Brandi's Creations, part of her "Sweet Shoppe" kit. The scraps are from the "Bright Me Out" taggers kit by Scrappy Lover. The "Let's Dance" word art courtesy of Elegant Word Art.

("and if you say run, I'll run to you...")

Flower if U want 2


The title is a play on the line from Disney's "Bambi" movie. The skunk plushie was a freebie off the Calypso Design blog. They don't give too many freebies away so get while the getting's good.

The scraps are from the "Child's Play" kit from Creations by Jo. I used the "Isle of Misfit Toys" alpha from Free Digital Scrapbooking for this and made sure it was a bit more misfitting than usual to give the piece a bit of character.

Pastel Plushie


The plushie cat is from Calypso Designs' PTU six pack of plushies. the scraps came from the "Pretty Pastels" kit from Creations by Jo.

The Alpha was a freebie add on to Toni Scraparoni's Pink-o-Metric kit and is available for download off her blog.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Talkin' Turkey (Part II)


House Panther,Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey,Grr

We do a lot of graphics for Grr, but they end up being posted at House Panthers as opposed to showing up on a T-13. In this particular case, I used Grr to promote the T-13 so this went up at House Panthers as kind of a bonus piece.

The Scraps are from Toni's Scraparoni. I just had a bit of e-mail from Farrah letting us know that Designers Scraps was going to be 65% off store wide for Black Friday, so purhaps I can get some of the kits that I've wanted by Toni that I haven't yet purchased. She doesn't seem to have sales on her own like some of the designers do.

I love all the blingy stuff in her offerings, and Jive Turkey has!

I still don't know where the green and red glitter alphas came from. I know I got them off Digifree, but they did not come with a name on them or a TOU, so....


Tabby Cat,Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

This piece drove me nuts because I couldn't for the life of me remember what kit I used to make it. I remember the stickers and thought it was part of a blog train or collab, but in the end, the buttons were the tip off. I had to be a smaller kit.

Turns out is was "Be Thankful" by Seachell Designs and I believe it was a freebie. The stitched felt alpha was from Raspberry Road Designs and was a blog freebie.

I think was really confused me was I was looking for files named "sticker" as well, but it turned out she'd named the clip art pieces "element". Who'd have guessed?


Tabby Cat,Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

Yet more scraps from the "Gobble Gobble" Collab from Heavenly Taggerz. The Thanksgiving stamp alpha is from Lizz Gasaway Designs. My main gripe against it that the "n"s are a bit hard to read...


Tabby Cat,Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

Gemini (and Chey) are hard for me to work with because they post smaller images on their blog and they pixelate out when you try to do something with them. You can see that happening in this image, especially down near her tail.

I used the "Pumpkin Pie" freebie from Joni Gray Designs for the scraps. The Wood Block Alpha was from Cucciola Designs and was a limited time only freebie at AhhhScrap.


Domestic Cat,Tabby Cat,Talking Turkey

The scraps are by Sticky Kisses from the Beth's Birthday Blog Train. I've picked up bits and pieces of this one but haven't strung them all together and are just using them as mini-kits.

The Satin Gold Alpha alpha comes from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Talkin' Turkey (Part I)

I'm not sure WHEN the idea for Talkin' Turkey hit me, but it was in October while we were still doing Halloween tags and I wanted to do something different. This just seemed like fun and yes, it was probably inspired - at least subconsiously - by "I can has Cheezburger", but was never intended to be a rip off of the LOL cats.

Or maybe it was just left over from the "Knock Knock" festival earlier in the year. In any case...

Mosaic Annie

House Panther,Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

I used the "Cozy Autumn" kit from Candy's Treats for this one. "Turkey Lurkey" was part of a FTU set of like six or seven in various color combinations from Sakbs Scraps. I gather he's one of the presets on the Poser software, since he's been seen all over the place. The Autumn Alpha is Cindy Lea. All of the word bubbles came built in with the Photosuite software.

I've tried composing with PSPX1, and I'm getting there, but half the time I end up ripping my hair out and going back to Photosuite. I'll figure it all out though, eventually. PSPX1 does offer a lot of really nice features that Photosuite doesn't so...


House Panther,Domestic Cat,Long Haired Cat,Talking Turkey

Bear was kind of a last minute inclusion, but I really like this tag. I think it's the best of the bunch.

The scraps are from the Let's Give Thanks taggers kit by Scrappy Lover. I took the little wheat clip that comes with the kit and copied it around the photo to make the frame.

The little "Mag Pie" graphic was a freebie from Scrappiles of Digi Style. I used two different alphas in this. The one in the bubble is the Old Books Alpha by Humble Scraps, while the Precious Gold Alpha that I used on the name is from Janyelle Mayara.

This is the first time I saw the "bar code" word art, but now I have a couple of sets of them. It seems to be the next big thing...


Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

How do you handle blog trains and collab kits? In the past, I've set up directories based on designers but then I'm searching all over for a flower or a leaf. I decided to do something different this time. All the files still have the designers name in them --

for example "SL-Leaf 1" would signify it was a leaf by Scrappy Lover. However, I then created directories for things. Papers, leaves, flowers, buttons, brads, etc. There is one directory that is just "elements" for the one of a kit items, but least this way, when I want a flower, I can just go to the flower directory.

It's not a perfect system, and it took a while to set up. And in some case, I don't want to cut up a contribution to a train, especially if it's from one of my favorite designers. (The "Shmily" blog train is a good example, as I want to leave Helly's part together as a mini-kit.

For the "Gobble Gobble" collab though, this system worked out pretty good. If anyone has a better idea, I'd love hear it.

"Gobble Gobble" combined the talents of the fine ladies from Heavenly Taggerz. The Everescents Alpha was from Sweet Digi Scraps. The butterfly was from Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin.


Domestic Cat,Talking Turkey

More scraps from the "Gobble Gobble" collab. I was puttering around today at some of the online boutiques, but remembered that virtually everyone out there was going to have a "Black Friday" sale, so I'll just bide my time. I'm still looking at posers though, more than scraps, and I do know that the Lacy Clagg Tube Store starts a Black Friday sale tomorrow (which is Wednesday).

One of the designers I did want scraps from was Candy's Treats, but she's pulled virtually all (except for five) of her kits off of Taggers Scraps, so that's no help.

The Fall Alpha is by Karla Morano.


Dog,Pug,Talking Turkey

Eduardo is a Puggle - a cross between a pug and a beagle - and he's just totally adorable.

Yet more scraps from the "Gobble Gobble" collab. The Tattered Alpha is from KittyCat Designs.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dark Arts

I'm not sure these qualify as Goths, and I'm not sure they don't. Let's not go there.

Little Miss Negativity


I know, I know, I promised to to buy any more sets from Perfect Poser, but you have to admit that Gothika is somewhat um...unique.

The scraps are from Yarrow's "Gothique Rouge" and "Gothique Violet" kits.

The title refers to a nickname of mine, one that I was going by a few years ago on the internet when I was trying to yank someone's chain. But yeah, I get "Aren't you just Little Miss Negativity?" from time to time.

Dark Heart


One of the posers from Outlaw by Design, I paired her with Yarrow's new taggers kit, "Thank you for the Venom". The Twilight word art was from Ginger's House, but this is not, by any means, a Twilight inspired piece. I just needed something to put in the middle of the layout. LOL!

I like the kit though, there's some interesting bits in it.

I think money is going to be tight until after the new year, but I'm seriously thinking of purchasing a membership to Outlaw by Design. I think it would save me money in the long run. I know she says there are more images on the disks, but I'll settle for the downloads just at the moment, as I'm not ready to invest the sort of money the discs require.

Winter, again

As it transpired, I'd done more for this week's T-13 than I'd thought, so I got done a lot faster, and have woofies and kitties left over that I'll have to roll to next week as we get into winter.

On a side note, I think I'm burned on winter kits as Heavenly Taggerz had a $1.00 sale and I couldn't find a single thing I wanted. Some tags that I put together this weekend:

Holly Day Elf


The elf poser is a freebie from Lacy Clagg. She has some PTU ones along the same lines, in red and blue. There are only two green ones available in the freebie package.

The scraps are from Cinnamon Scraps' Magic of Christmas taggers kit, and the word art is a freebie from Jaelop Designs.

I should note that Cinnamon has $1.00 on this, and a number of her Christmas kits on a full time basis, which is kind of nice to see. Not that, even at $3.00, the kits are that highly priced.

Snowmen Melt my Heart


Another good source for free posers is Ultimate Fantasy Designs, which is where out little Eskimo hails from.

The scrap kit is Snow Kids from Krissy's Scraps. I really like the kit and have been contemplating using it on one of the winter blogs, but Soxsational sort of got to it first and I don't think my layout would be anywhere as nice.

I'm probably going to go with the Tranquil Xmas kit for Tristan's blog - that's the one I did his Trismas Card with, and I'm leaning towards Chaos' Priestess' "Winter Elegance" for Digicats. (Hold tight, there's a tag upcoming.) I don't know where I'm going with Diamond's blog yet.

The Flaky Alpha is from Lady Grundlefunk, and she may as well have designed it with this kit in mind, it fits so perfectly.

Owl Be Home


I love Designs by Helly, but you already knew that. This is her new "Owl be home for Christmas" taggers kit and while she mentions that it's untraditional, she also adds that she's never been much of a traditionalist.

The Cheeky Elf poser if from Perfect Poser and the doodle elements are from Scrappy Lover. The word art is from Word Art Fun.

Winter's Chill


"Winter Chill" by Baby Cakes Scraps is another kit I'd like to do a blog layout from. The poser in this piece was from Ultimate Fantasy Design. The word art is from Jaelop Designs.

I might go with this one for Diamond's blog or...I might use it myself in January. After all, it's still winter in the states in January.

I was kind of arguing with myself over the use of snow as the underlying theme for the holiday season, after all, it doesn't snow in all parts of the world. But most of the traditions came over from Europe and England and it DOES snow there, so...



Scrappy Redhead released two kits, "Snow Days" and "Snow Nights" and I've decided she meant them to be married and used as one kit. "Snow Days" has very little in terms of snow. It is however, very heavy on ice - of the diamond variety as there is a bunch of charms and jewels in the set.

So, I just sort of went with that theme. Perhaps she was daydreaming of pressies when she put it together? The Poser is from Outlaw by Design, and the snowflakes are from the Maltese Scrapper. The Diamond Alpha is by Jobeth (JWScraps).

All that Glitters


This is the "Snow Nights" taggers kit which dos have the snowy elements in it. The snow man angel is included in both sets but not used in these tags.

I love the little snow scene charms in this one, and the streetlight is a nice touch. You don't see that too often.

The poser is from Outlaw by Designs and the word art is from Word Art Fun.

I was also thinking what great conquerors the Romans were while putting these tags together. You see nearly a hint of Hanukkah out there, as the Christmas theme just about overwhelms everything else. Much like the expansion Roman Catholic Church that moved in and over whelemed local religion after local religion, replacing it with their own dogma.

I love the "Jesus is the reason" slogan the bible thumpers trot out. Think about it. It's more the season is the reason for Jesus as the Catholic church and to come up something to combat Solstice and Hanuakkah as they went forth to conquer religion in the same manner they conquered just about everything else.

Elegent Winter


Chaos, as near as I can tell, is pagan, so I don't have to worry about Santa and Elves, let alone the nativity, in her kits. When she says winter, she means winter.

"Winter Elegance" is just a gorgeous kit, with the frosted roses and the berries. And the silver snow flakes, of course.

The poser was a freebie from Ultimate Fantasy Design. The word art is courtesy of Jaelop Designs.

I really think I could make a nice blog layout from this kit, especially with the two column designs I'm using on Digicats. I don't have to worry about people needing to read over the flora.

Please note that being burned out on winter kits doesn't mean I won't download the odd freebie here and there. Treasured Scraps just ran the winter's Kiss blog train, which I love the color scheme on, and there are several more planned, so....