
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fuzzy Foot Warmer

Sir Tristan,Tabby Cat,Domestic Cat

Somewhere along the lines, the fur kids had a discussion. Diamond has become the new proud owner of the love seat, but has given up bed rights and Tristan has become my new fuzzy foot warmer. And unlike Diamond, who generally manages to push me out of her way during the course of the night, Tristan actually does lay on my feet and warms them.

Even when I had Diamond in the bedroom the other day when I was reading and Tris was out of the house, she wouldn't lay in her old spot at the foot of the bed, but instead took up residence at the top. Weirdness.



I think I mentioned before that I started out on the Digital Scrapbooking side of things and then discovered tagging. One of my first experiences with tagging had to do with Kristy's Scraps and a (then) FTU kit called Blue Rocker. She was just accepted into a boutique for the first time as a designer and Blue Rocker (and its sister kit, Pink Rocker) became her first PTU kits as well.

She's come a long way as she know has her own line of designer dolls and a whole stable full of kits, and has just become part owner of Angelic Scraps.

This is her Britney Doll and the scrap kit I used was her Sea Breeze" kit which I picked up on sale at DSLL. The Lady of the Lake Alpha was a freebie from Julie Itis.

As for myself, I did actually make the little teddy bear the Britney is "holding" and didn't screw it up (too badly), so perhaps there's hope for me yet. The template for the bear was from Farrah's Creations and I also got it at DSLL.

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