
Sunday, November 30, 2008

In a one horse open tag...

It started out with a sleigh ride this morning. I'd given up on Taggers, so I emptied my shopping card and went over to Designer Scraps and picked up some of the Soxsational Scraps Christmas kits. I like Tammy's work, even if she is Pengi crazy and a little heavy on the clip art end.

Sleigh Ride


The "Pretty Prancing Pony" is (c) Lacy Clagg. I've liked this particular poser since I first saw it, but then, I've always been a bit of a horse nut. The scraps are from an "Old Fashioned Christmas" taggers kit by Soxsational. The "Jingle Bells" word art was a freebie from Sticky Kisses, and the "Satin Gold" Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

This set me off on working on the T-13 for this upcoming week (which is done, yippee!)

Naughty or Mice?

Himalayan Cat,Mice,Elves,Christmas

The Cats are Maggy and Zoey from Zoolatry, and I used the "Mice Xmas" FTU kit from Bel Vidotti. I've seen her name quite a bit of late, evidently I've downloaded a number of her designs so I should probably set up a folder for her.

The Christmas tree and the elf are (c) Angelique Field/Digital Embellishments and are one of the sets I bought at Cool Scraps Digital. The "Candy Cane" alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Yes, Bel Vidotti based her kit on the same clip art that Cinnamon Scraps used in her "Christmaus Time" kit. Most of the designers get their clip art from the same source, so you'll see that quite a bit, which is one of the reasons I get tired of Clip Art based kits.

Miss Ann really liked this tag BTW, and said it was earning a permanent place on her side bar for the month of December. High praise from Zoolatry! Wow!

Santa and the Singing Pengies

Christmas,Santa Claus,Penguins

It's a new vocal group! Kind of like Alvin and the Chipmonks!

The scraps are from the "Silent Night" kit from Soxsational Scraps. I love the scraps, especially the ornaments, although I'm wondering how silent it can be with the Pengies warbling on like that.

Santa (or Mr. Claus) is from Perfect Posers and you can find him at Aussie Scraps.

The word art is courtesy of Jaelop Designs.


Elves ,Christmas

The "Elf" is (c) by Lacy Clagg. The scraps are from "A Girly Xmas" by Cinnamon Scraps. Um...I think this was another 40 cent kit, on sale at DSLL. It's actually kind of cute but I was getting flashbacks to memories of dysfunctional Christmas' past when my mother would get drunk and start ripping all the ornaments off the tree.

That's where they belong right? On the floor?

And then people wonder why I LIKE spending my holidays alone.

The word art is from Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin. Yeah, I know there's no mistletoe in the tag. Pretend, okay?

Santa Roo

Santa Claus,Catblogosphere Cats

I was reading comments left in Miss Diamond's blog and Vampy Victor said "Lucky Momma does not do Christmas here anymore..." We don't either, at least not in the way it's traditionally meant, but I like playing with it.

Anyway, I'd gotten the little Roo feltie as a .png off Digifree a few days ago. Needless to say, I've since forgotten where I downloaded it from. But it was really cute and I had snagged it with intent of doing a pressie tag for Aunt Evie, so no time like the present...

The scraps are from an "Old Fashioned Christmas" which features two(!) sleighs, plus another one with a reindeer attached to it. I wasn't sure how you harnessed Roos up a sleigh, although this seemed to work, kind of. I guess we won't know for sure until they take off?

The snowflakes are part of the very nice Christmas Bits FTU feltie collection from C.C. Designs. The word art is courtesy of Sticky Kisses.

Victor is the light gray kitty in the sleigh, Mushka, his mistress, is the Meezer. The can be found at Victor the Vampire Kitty.

Best Friends


Except that these are definitely NOT fair weather friends! The elf is (c) Lacy Clagg, and the scraps are from the "Snow Girls" taggers kit from Soxsational Scraps. The bar code word art is courtesy of Jaelop Designs. (I'm really digging the bar code word art, it's such a giggle!)

The First Pengi Noel


I was working on a tag for Moki for T-13 - Moki is a special needs kitty who blogs at Save Moki - and needed some doodles to make it work, so I used it as an excuse to buy the doodles from Calypso Design that I've been coveting. When I went over to Heavenly Taggerz however, I found that Calypso had released a new "Sadie Elf" poser.

I have to say, this is the nicest use of the Sadie template I've seen out of Poser/Daz3D. Brandi did an "Ice Fae" using it, and yeah, I'll do a tag with it sooner or later, but it's no where near as nice as this one.

The scraps are from the "Winter Blessings" taggers kit by Soxsational Scraps, which should probably be renamed "Pengi Blessings". If you like Penguins, you'll LOVE this kit.

As mentioned in a previous post, the little plushy kitty cats that appear in various places on the tags are from Designs by Sue and can be purchased at Aussie Scraps.

My major contemplation today, while working on the kitty cat tags was Winter vs. Christmas. I'm not doing anything at all with the religious end of the deal because I don't know who follows what out there on the BlogoSphere (and cats are all Pagan anyway). But I wanted to do two weeks of winter and two weeks of "Christmas".

After much thought I decided that if it had snow in it, even if Santa was present (such as in the tag for Auntie Evie) then it qualified as a "snow" tag, and if it didn't have snow in it, such as in the Zoolatry tag, then it was a "Christmas" tag. So, I did do some tags today that will be pushed back to the "Christmas" T-13s at the end of the month.

BTW: Is there a way to turn the Project Playlist OFF when you're visiting a blog that has one on autoplay? I freezes my computer while it's loading and really annoys the crap out of me. Not to mention the fact that's it long been considered rude to force people to listen to tunes when they are visiting your site.

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