
Friday, March 27, 2009

Bunny Hop

Are you excited about the Hippity Hop Blog Train? I am. It's my first time participating in a blog train!

A couple of designers have posted their portions earlier, so if you want to get a peek at what you'll be collecting aboard the train when it leaves the station on Monday, you can catch a sampling to play with this weekend.

Danielle at DMK Designs posted her portion Wednesday. This is a full sized mini-kit. I scripted it down to use for tagging.

Hippity Hop

"Eggbert" is by Untamed Angel. He's a bit on the smaller side, and is only suitable for tagging. Also, the only place I've seen him available for sale is Angelic Scraps, which is currently off-line.

If you're looking for an Eggbert to use as an embellishment in a full size page, check out Bits'N'Bobs variation, as Julie's files are substantially larger.

Hippity Hop

The bunny is just too cute!

Patz Scrapz has her portion up today. It's a taggers sized kit.

Over 75 designers are participating in this train, so I'm sure they'll be something to please all.

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