
Friday, March 27, 2009

Twilight Vixen

I'd done these tags as couple of weeks ago, but never got around to posting them. I was playing with the "Twilight vixen" kit from Krissy's Scraps. My question had been whether this was a vampire inspired kit or not, and my conclusion is that it is not.

It does have a bit of an oriental flavor to it however.

I'm using the Bernice posers by R.J. which are available in the archive section of Poser Emporium.

Twilight Vixen

The stone bench in from Krissy's Stone Garden Accessories element pack. I just needed...something and that seemed to do the trick.

Twilight Vixen

The stone vase is from the above referenced Stone Garden Accessories pack, while the bush came from the Coleus Shrub Mix element pack.

I was re-thinking my take on the Garden Bears kit I was working on - I don't like the colors - so I think I'm going to go back and rework it. Maybe I'll put some of these elements in there.

Twilight Vixen

The background masks are - I think - from Wee Scots Lass, they're just not ones I usually use.

Twilight Vixen

The big heart is from one of Krissy's Sweetheart packs, while the Peacock fan is by Incognito.

Twilight Vixen is a very pretty kit, and it comes in full and taggers sizes at Exquisite Scraps and Simply Beautiful Scraps. I'm sure I'll do more with it sometime in the future.

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