
Friday, July 31, 2009

Let's Ride Tutorial

Sizzel's Designs has joined the design team at, and brought with her a motorcycle themed kit called "Bike Lovers" which I'd not seen before. So of course I had to snag it and play with it.

Great stuff, lots off really cool bike related elements in there (love the leather jacket and the belts, LOL!) and some kickin' papers. The kit comes with a hog as well as three biker chicks, so even if you don't have a tube, you still have lots of tagging options.

I had planned on doing this as a .png tag, but given the somewhat risque nature of the tube I am using, I decided Photobucket might have a problem with it and decided to host it on Picasa instead. And they don't handle .pngs well. So I turned it into a .jpg tag, but you could make a .png by leaving off SD_Paper12, and dropping the white background at the end.

You can find the tutorial for this tag at Di Before Dawn Tutorials. Thanks for looking!

Mermaids of the Sea

Mermaids of the Sea

This gorgeous tag was made for me by Rose of the Stargazer Scraps creative team. She is using my new Under the Sea taggers kit.

Isn't it awesome?!

You can find the tutorial at Rose's Tuts & Tags

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New - Under the Sea

Under the Sea photo DCD_UnderTheSea_TS.png

Slip under the sea and swim into a magical adventure with this beautiful little tagger kit themed for underwater fantasy, the third installment in my Whimsical Series. 15 lovely .jpg papers (800 x 800 pxl) set the back drop for an ocean full of fun.

when you open this oyster you'll find 5 ribbons, 5 bows, 5 ric racs, 5 waves, 3 round frames, 3 rectangular frames, 3 sea horse tags, 3 sea shells, 3 cartoon fish, 3 seaweeds, 2 sand borders, 1 anchor, 1 pearl bling, 1 crab, 1 dolphin, 1 sea turtle, 1 oyster bed, 1 rusted can, and 2 gorgeous siren "cookie" posers created by ©Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging.

300 DPI. Personal use only.

Come on in, the water's fine!

Note: This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sneak Peaks!

Coming this Saturday to a blog train near you....

Dragons Lair

The theme for this month's Bits'N'Bobs blog train is fantasy, and I've gone out and created a kit with a number of fantastical creatures in it.

The Swan Maiden is just one of these, a mythical creature who shape shifts from human form to swan form. The key to the transformation is usually a swan skin, or a garment with swan feathers attached. What other fantastical creatures might you find in my new kit? Well, you'll just have to wait until Saturday when you can enter "The Dragon's Lair".

Summer Daze

Summer is not over - yet - and if you've not been out to an amusement park this year, why not try "Summer Daze"? It's a whole bunch of crazy fun all wrapped up into one kit and of course the best part's a free!

You can snag it part of the August Goodie Train.

Sorry -- only two blog trains this month, as I had a couple of collabs to do for my stores. One is already out and it's a fundraiser for Paradyce, who once again finds herself in difficulties during this hard time.

Summer Daze

This time around though, we've got 2 tickets 2 Paradyce to help her out. Seven Sophisti-Scrap designers have banded together to get you a kit with 115 papers, and 253 elements for your tagging pleasure.

This is one kit you'll come back to again and again, so be sure to check it out at Sophisti-Scrap. Plus, Lisa from Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging has a couple of bonus poser packs including her new Harlequin Pack and her new Retro Collection to help out with our fund raising efforts.

Be sure to stop by Sophisti-Scraps today and check everything out! Plus, the whole Paradyce collection is now 25% off, so don't miss out on this great deal!

The other collab is coming soon from Stargaze Scraps...I'll be sure to keep you posted on that one!

While you're waiting for the big day to come around, why not check out my shops at both Scrappetizing and Misses Bee Haven? I've got 25% on all my kits!

Plus tomorrow - Wednesday - is dollar days at Miss Bee Haven so stop on by and find out what one dollar can grab for you!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Follow your Fishies Tutorial

Brief Lives

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Mermaid-topia taggers kit by Pimp'd Designz. This kit is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps.

Delerium #1 by Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging. This is a free to use tube which you can download HERE.

Cameron's Oceans 5 Mask, which you can download HERE.

Font of choice.

The Frazzled Mess alpha by Lady Grundlefunk. This is a full sized alpha that I resized for tagging. It is also free and available from Disasterpiece Studios.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

To begin, open a new raster layer canvas, 600 x 600 pxls, flood fill white.

Open Mermaid-topia pp2. Go to Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask From Disk and find Cameron's Ocean 5 Mask. Make sure the Fit to Canvas box is checked as well as the "Invert Transparency" box. Then click on load.

Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group, then add to your main canvas, centered.

Open Bubble cluster, and add to your canvas, centered at H450, V300.

Open Sea Foam, resize to 50% and add to canvas centered at H250, V 350.

Open Rock, Resize to 60% and add to canvas, centered at H200, V400.

Open SSLisa Delirium 1. Erase Lisa's sig, then resize to 65% and add to canvas, centered at H250, V280.

Open Fish 1, resize to 75% and add to canvas, centered at H430, V110.

Duplicate and mirror the layer, then relocated the duplicated fish to H150, V500.

Open a new canvas, 600 x 600 pxls, with a transparent background. Using the frazzled mess alpha, spell out the words "Follow" "your" and "fishies". Use a combination of upper and lower case at random and resize and rotate to the letters to give the words a chaotic look. Delirium is, by nature, a very chaotic personality, so try to make the words reflect that.

Once you have composed the words you'll need, select layers --> merge --> merge visible, then use you selection tool to grab each word as a whole to paste to main canvas. "Follow" should be up around H180, V60. Use your pick tool to resize to taste. "Your" should be centered around H450, V250. I put a counter clockwise tilt to it to match the fish. "Fishies" is centered at H350, V450, with a clockwise tilt to it.

Open flower-1, resize to 25% and add to your canvas, centered at H100, V420.

Add a drop shadow to your tube and to the two fishies. In this case, mixing the shadows and changing the colors is fine. The tag is supposed to have a chaotic feel to it.

For the tube later I used Offsets H & V of 10, Opacity 60, blur 25, color black. For the top fishie, I switched the offsets to -7 each and the color to dark purple (#800080). For the bottom fishie I kept the V offset at -7, but changed the horizontal offset to -10, and the background color to dark blue (#000080).

Along the left hand side of the tag, using the font of your choice, add the copyright information to the tag. In this case:

(c) LK Designs
Scrap by Pimp'd Designs

I am using the Eraser Dust font, and dark purple (#800080), 6 points, bold, centered. You can also add your "tag by" info at this point if you wish.

You can then save your artist's copy as a .pspimage at this point.

To add the name, I used the "Freestyle Script" Font set to 36 points, Bold and centered. I used a black glitter stroke and set the fill color to light purple (#dc8cdc), which is the color on the background paper we used. It should be centered somewhere around H4to, and V375, depending upon the size of the name being used.

Once you've added your name, you can drop the white background, merge visible, and save as a .png - or you can leave the white background, merge visible, and save as a .jpg (your choice).

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you should have a problem, please feel free to E-Mail Me and I'll be happy to help you out.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Predator Tutorial

Majestic Midnight

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Majestic Midnight taggers kit by Scraps by j0eswife. This kit is available for purchase at Digital Chaos and Stargazer Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using psp8383 SCEverett Predatory by Brandy Everett. You must have a license to use this tube. Note that Brandy is no longer selling out of MyPSPTubes.

Wee Scots Mask #228 which you can download HERE.

Font of choice.

The Silver Twilight Alpha, which was created by Amber Gray and which may be downloaded from her blog HERE.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

To begin, open a new raster canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, flood fill white.

Open SBJ_Paper 26, and resize to 80%. Select --> Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk and locate Wee Scots Lass mask # 228. Make sure the "fit to canvas" box is checked, then click on load.

Using you pick tool, expand to the guidelines on the mask to the edges of the canvas.

Select --> Layers --> Merge --> Merge group. then add to your main canvas, centered.

Open Vine #3, resize to 60% and add to canvas, centered at V600, H400. Duplicate and Mirror.

Open Tombstone and Lantern, resize by 75% and add to canvas centered at V400, H450.

Open psp8383 SCEverett Predatory, click on the tube layer, copy and past to your main canvas, centered at H330, V490.

on the layers pallet, click on Vine #3 (raster 2) to activate it. Open SBJ_Black Cat, resize to 50% and copy to main canvas, centered at H550, V550. (This should result in the cat peaking out from behind the tombstone as shown.)

Open Ribbon with Rings 3, resize by 75% and add to your canvas centered at H400, V650. Using your eraser tool, erase any of the branches on the either of the vines that might be showing below the ribbon.

On the layer pallet, move "copy of Raster 2" down so that it's directly above "Raster 2" and below the cat and ribbon layers. Then click on the tube layer (Raster 4) to activate it.

Open Raven 2, resize to 50% and add to the canvas, centered at H530, V130.

Open Glitter Smudge 2, and resize to 75%. On the layers pallet, click on the paper layer (Raster 1) to active it and add the glitter smudge, centered at H300, V300.

Activate your tube layer and add a drop shadow. I am using Offsets of V & H, 10, Opacity of 60, blur of 25.

On the materals pallet, set your foreground color to transparent and your background color to #c0c0c0 (gray). Using the font of choice add the copyright info to your tag. For the Predatory tube, the copyright info should be:


I am using the font "Creepy", 8 points, bold and centered and then I used my pick tool to adjust it further.

You can now save your artists' copy as a .pspimage.

Adding your name is usually a personal preference. I am using the Silver Twilight alpha that was created by Amber Gray Designs, which is a FTU alpha.

To add the name using this alpha, open a new raster canvas, 600 x 300 pxls, with a transparent background. The Silver Twilight Alpha is a full sized alpha that I resized for tagging purposes, You my script it down before you start this, or you may manually resize the letters to fit the canvas as you go along, which ever you prefer.

Open the capital letter of choice, resize accordingly and add to the new canvas on the far left hand size.

Repeat with the lower case letters to spell out the name you desire. You may need to play with the size of the letters to get them to fit on the canvas, depending upon the length of the name.

Once you have the name composed to your taste, select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Make sure the top layer on your layer pallet is selected, then copy and paste the name as a whole to your main canvas. Use your pick tool to resize the name to fit, and center it around H250, V200 (depending upon the length of your name).

Rotate slightly counterclockwise to taste, and add a drop shadow to match the one you added to the tube.

Resize your canvas by 75% (to 600 x 600 pxls). Drop the white background layer, merge visible, and save the file as a .png as your all done!

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you should have a problem, please feel free to E-Mail Me and I'll be happy to help you out.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday was not a very good, on a number of fronts except for one pleasant surprise from Eve at Sweet Tart Scraps. She used my freebie Beachcomber's Element pack to put together this great tutorial:

Fun in the Sun

I was totally floored that she'd done this and did such a kick-ass job as well!

You can try this tutorial for yourself at Sweet Tart Designs.

Don't forget to stop by Sophisti-Scraps and pick up the element pack (it's free!), so you're all ready to hit the beach when you get there!

Thanks a bunch Eve!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blood Lust Tutorial

Blood Lust

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Adoration taggers kit by Gemini Creationz. This kit is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps.

2 Vampiric Tubes of choice*, one close up, one full sized. I am using the Vampiric Elf poser tube set by Lady Anne/Inzpired Dezignz, which can be purchased at Groovy Scraps.

Cameron Air Mask #4, which you can download HERE.

Font of choice.

Silver Twylight Alpha, which was created by Amber Gray and which may be downloaded from her blog HERE.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

To begin, open a new raster layer, 800 x 800 pxls, flood filled white.

Open Adoration paper #15 and add to canvas.

Open Adoration paper #5. Select --> Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk- Locate Cameron Air Mask 4, make sure the fit to canvas box is checked and click on load.

Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group, then add to your canvas, centered at H200, V400.

Open Adoration Wreath, and add to canvas, centered.

Open Adoration flowers 1, 2, and 3, and resize to 25%. Scatter at random around the wreath.

Open Adoration RRibbon and resize t0 80%. Add to your canvas centered at H400, V670. You may wish to layer some of the flowers over it (as shown).

Open close up tube of choice, I am using VmpElfElf002-CU by Lady Anne/Inzpired Dezignz. This is a full sized tube, so I am resizing it to 25%. On the layers pallet, click on the layer for Paper #5 (it should be Raster 2) to activate. Add your tube, UNDER the wreath layer, and center so the face shows through the wreath.

You may need to erase the tube a bit for any bits of the tub that is hanging outside the wreath.

On the pallet menu, click on the top raster layer to activate.

Open second tube. I am using VmpElfELf003 by Lady Anne/Inzpired Dezignz, and again, I'm resizing it, this time to 35%. Add to canvas, centered at V600, H400.

Open Baby's Breath, resize to 50% and add to canvas, centered at H450, V600. Using your pick tool, rotate clockwise about 45 degrees.

Open Adoration RRose, resize by 50% and add to canvas, centered at H430, V600. Using your pick tool, rotate clockwise about 45 degrees to match the baby's breath.

Open Adoration blkribbow, resize to 65% and add to canvas, centered at H450, V710. Using your eraser tool, erase the stems on the rose and the baby's breath, which appear beneath the ribbow.

Add a drop shadow of choice to your two tubes. I am using offsets of H & V 10 each, opacity 60, blur 25, color black.

Open Adrn_hrtdiamond and resize to 10%. Add as the center of any of the flowers that have centers showing along the wreath. You may need to activate the associated flower layer on the layers pallet to get them in them set properly. Feel free to use your pick tool to rotate them slightly to taste. You may also wish to make them a bit smaller, depending upon your preferences.

On the materials pallet, set your foreground color to #000000, and your background color to #808080. Add your copyright and tag information to the tag in the location of your choice, using the font of choice.

Resize your canvas to 75% (600 x 600 pxls) and save your artist copy as a .pspimage.

To add the name, open a new raster canvas, 600 x 300 pxls, with a transparent background. The Silver Twylight Alpha is a full sized alpha that I resized for tagging purposes, You my script it down before you start this, or you may manually resize the letters to fit the canvas as you go along, which ever you prefer.

Open the capital letter of choice, resize accordingly and add ot the new canvas on the far left hand size.

Repeat with the lower case letters to spell out the name you desire. You may need to play with the size of the letters to get them to fit on the canvas, depending upon the length of the name.

Once you have the name composed to your taste, select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Make sure the top layer on your layer pallet is selected, then copy and paste the name as a whole to your main canvas. Use your pick tool to resize the name to fit, and center it around H125, V100 (depending upon the length of your name).

Rotate slightly counterclockwise to taste, and add a drop shadow to match the ones you added to the tubes.

Select --> Layers --> Merge --> Flatten Image and save as a .jpg file and your done!

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you should have a problem, please feel free to E-Mail Me and I'll be happy to help you out.

* I don't do Twilight tags. This is a well known fact. However, the Adoration kit by Gemini Creationz would work very well with Twilight tags.

If you wish to turn this into a Twilight tag, might I recommend the Alice - Shades of Night posers by MediEvil Creations.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Strawberry Hill Tutorial

Strawberry Hill

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The new Strawberry Hill taggers kit by Gemini Creationz. This kit is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using Hippy 2 by Lacy Clagg. You need a license to use this tube which can be purchased at the Lacy Clagg tube store.

Wee Scots Lass mask #234, which you can download HERE.

Font(s) of choice.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

Open a new raster canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, flood fill white.

Open SH_paper1. Select --> Layers --> Load Save/Mask --> Load Mask from Disk. Find Wee Scotts Mask 234. Make sure the "fit to layer" box is checked, then click on load.

Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group.

Open SH_Paper14, and resize to 75% (600 x 600 pxls). Add to canvas, centered at H350, V350. Using you pick tool, rotate the canvas clockwise 20 to 30 degrees.

Return to SH_paper1. Copy and paste the merged file to the canvas, centered.

Open SH_white flowers, and add to canvas, centered at H220, V450. Using you pick tool, rotate clockwise slightly (about 10 degrees).

Open tube of choice. I am using Hippy 2, Raster 7, by Lacy Clagg. Copy and paste to canvas, centered.

Open SH_Frame1, copy and paste to canvas, centered at H430, V370. Using your eraser tool, carefully erase the bits of the tube that show along the bottom of the frame.

On the pallet menu, click on the frame layer to activate it.

Open SH_Cloud, resize to 65% and paste onto the canvas, centered at H580, V620.

Open SH_String and add to canvas, centered at H400, V660.

Open SH_watercan, resize to 50% and add to the canvas, centered at H650, V600. Using your pick tool, rotate slightly clockwise (about 10 to 15 degrees).

Open SH_Strawberries3, resize by 65% and add add to canvas, centered at H400, V650.

Add a drop shadow to your tube and to the strawberries. I am using Offsets of H & V -10, Opacity of 60%, Blur of 25 and color back.

On the materials pallet, set your foreground color to none, and your background color to #000000 (black). Using a font of choice, add the copyright information to the tag, just under the strawberries. (I am centered at H400, V75o) and am using Georgia, 8pts, black, centered. I then resized it down further using the pick tool.

You may also add your "tagged by" information at this point if you wish

Resize your canvas by 75% (600 x 600 pxls) and save the artist's copy as a .pspimage.

On the materials pallet, set your foreground color to #e8ad52 (gold) and your background color to #f6c76c (pale gold). This matches the colors on SH_paper1.

Using the Freestyle Script Font, 16 points, Bold, centered, add your name to the canvas, centered around H100, V100. Use your pick tool to rotate the name counterclockwise, matching the tilt of SH_Paper14.

Open SH_felt Strawberry, resize to 25% and add to the canvas, at the end of the name. Give it a bit of a clockwise tilt. Exact location will depend on the length of name you are using.

You may then drop the White background, merge and save as a .png file, or keep the right background, merge, and save as a .jpg file.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you should have a problem, please feel free to E-Mail Me and I'll be happy to help you out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fox & Hound layouts and tags!

Mary, from the Sophisti-Scraps CT team has done some great work with my new Fox & Hound taggers kit. Check out this fabulous tag:

Fox-N-Hound Tag

She's got a tutorial up for it as well, on her blog at

Plus a pair of quick pages and you can also pick these up for free over at

Fox-N-Hound Layout 1

Need I say I LOVE the white kitty? He/she reminds me my old cat Puffy, who used to own me when I was a little girl.

Fox-N-Hound Layout 2

Fox & Hound photo DCD_FoxNHound_TS.png

Note: Fox & Hound has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

And don't forget to check out my latest release Chaps!.

Chaps photo DCD_Chaps_TS.png

I love Western tagging, so I packed everything I've always wanted from a Western kit into Chaps. You won't find any clip art here!

An Angry Bull
Rawhide Alpha by Wenchd Designs, not included in kit.

This is grade A prime beef, straight to you from cow country - okay, well almost. We're just a bit down the road from cow country. LOL!

Note: This kit has been retired and is now available for FREE elsewhere on this blog.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Miss Bee Hiven and a CU Freebie

Miss Bee Hiven photo DCD_MissBeeHiven_TS.png

Hon E. Bear loves flowers, bee-cause she knows where there's flowers, there's bees and where there's bees, there's honey!

The second kit in my Whimsical Series gives you a chance to help Hon E. with her bee keeping duties.

12 papers (6 patterned, 6 grunged) are included in the kit in .jpg format, plus 40 bee-autiful elements. You'll find 5 flowered ribbons, 5 curly ribbons, 5 bows, 5 flowers, 4 frames, 3 Tweeters, 2 bees, 2 honey pots, 2 tags, 1 bee keepers bonnet, 1 flower stem, 1 watering can, 1 bee hive, and 1 sunflower cluster.

Plus you also get two adorable Hon E. Bear "cookie" posers created by ©Outlaw by Design, and for an added bonus, a matching desktop for your computer!

300 DPI, personal use only please.

Note: this kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Plus, I have a freebie for you today, a cute little bee hive template that I made up for the kit. C.U. Okay! (Please read and respect my T.O.U., thank you!)

If you don't have any bees, it also makes for a great hairdo, or a really spiffy hat to go with your Bee Hive do. LOL!


Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oriental Dreams Tutorial

Oriental Dreams - Dianna

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The new Oriental taggers kit by Aquarius Designs. This kit is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps.

Oriental tube of choice. I am using Anayumi by Lacy Clagg which can be purchased at the Lacy Clagg tube store.

(Note that Linda includes a number of "Dolls" in the kit, so you may use one of those if you'd like.)

Your name in Chinese Symbols which you can find at Once you find you name - or some variation there of - be sure to save the symbols.

Wee Scots Lass mask #238, which you can download HERE.

Font of choice.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

To begin, open a new layer raster layer, 800 x 800 pxls, flood filled white.

Open Paper 20, resize to 80% and add to canvas.

Open Paper 15, resize to 80%. Select --> Layers --> Add/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk and locate Wee Scots Lass Mask # 238. Make sure the "fit to canvas" box is checked and click on load.

Activate you selection tool, and drag the guidelines for the mask out to the ends of the canvas. Then go to Layers --> Merge --> Merge group, then copy and paste the masked paper to your canvas, centered.

Open Geisha 1, and add to canvas, centered at H750, V450. (Yes, so of the geisha's robes will flow off the canvas. This is fine.) On the layers pallet, set the opacity to 75%.

Open Leaves 3 (don't resize) and add to canvas centered at H150, V400.

Open tube - I am using Anayumi4 by Lacy Clagg. If necessary select the tube later, then copy and paste to canvas. Center at H400, V450.

Open Oriental Fan 2, and add to canvas, centered at H400, V600.

Open Flowers 1, 2 and 2 and sprinkle along the branches and along the bottom of the tag to choice, resize as necessary.

Open Butterfly 1, and resize 50% and add to canvas, centered at H400, v700. Using your pick tool, rotate the butterfly 20 to 30 degrees clockwise on the canvas.

Set your foreground and background colors to #58466b. Using your font of choice, add the copyright and licensing information for you tube to the top of the tag, centered at around H400, V30.

Save your artist's copy as a .pspimage.

Open "Your name in Chinese", which you should have saved from the above referenced website earlier. Resize to 200%, then using you select tool, select the Chinese characters, copy and paste as a new image. Select Adjust --> Hue & Saturation --> Colorize. You can use the factory presets. I used a red neutral color.

Using your magic wand, select the background color. Made sure you pick up the areas inside the characters as well. Invert selection. Copy and paste as a new image.

Set you foreground color to #ffe9b4 and using your floodfill tool, colorize the letters.

You might need to use your paintbrush tool to clean it up some, this will also eliminate some of the pixelizing from the resize.

Using you selection tool, select the first character and add to your canvas over the geisha, just below her elbow. Repeat - with the characters flowing vertically with the rest of the characters. Resize as necessary.

Add a drop shadow to your tube and to the Chinese symbols. I am using offsets of H10, V20, opacity of 60, blur of 25, color black.

Resize the canvas to 75% (600 x 600 pxls). Select layers --> merge --> merge all, and save your tag as a .jpg file, and your all done!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New from Digicats: Fox & Hound

Fox & Hound photo DCD_FoxNHound_TS.png

I've been wanting to put together a series of kits that were both really fun to use and very economical in these hard times. So I'm pleased to announce the first edition to my "Whimsical" series of kits, which is entitled "Fox and Hound".

Inspired by - if not exactly true to - the tale of the Fox and the Hound, this adorable little kit has a woodsy feel to it, done up in shades of blue and green.

Inside you'll find 12 800 x 800 papers saved in .jpg format, plus 48 whimsical elements saved in .png format. There are 10 bows, 5 knotted ribbons, 5 flowers, 4 fence frames, 4 little birds, 3 butterflies, 3 funny trees, 2 clouds, 2 dragonflies, 2 grassy borders, 2 tags, 1 sun, & 1 Twitter bird. Plus you get 2 great posers - one Foxy Cookie and one Freckles Cookie - from ©Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging.

Note: This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Here's a quick little tag I made up using the kit:


Thursday, July 9, 2009


What's wrong with kids these days? I went grocery shopping yesterday and there's little chick at the store who works for Nemesis Tattoo down on SFM Beach. She's got quite a few, but they're all pretty tasteful - just a bit more than most people would have. Anyway, I get in line to check out and she's talking to the girl at the register who is turning 18 in three weeks and wants one of the Transformers tattooed on her. That even took the chickie back a bit, but...I said "Let me give you some advise. Before you get anything tattooed on you, stop and ask yourself if you're still gonna be happy with it at the time your 50 years old."

I have three. I was happy with 'em when I got em, and I'm still happy with 'em. I turn 50 in a couple or three months.

But the girl kind of looked at me like I was crazy. she gonna be happy with a Transformer on her a few years from now? Yeah, it was cool at the time but....

This my phoenix....the picture makes it look like it's going down my back, but it's not. It's only up on my shoulder....

Phoenix Tattoo

And my Wolfie...

Wolfie tattoo

And the dragon I can not show you on the internet because, well...that would be pornographic.

I know Bittersweet did one a years or so ago, but should do a "Tattoo You" kit.

(Heck, I did a "Wild Horses" kit. Let's do one for ALL the Rolling Stones songs!)

Beyond that I'm just toying with the notion of joining another store. I'm currently selling in three....

I started working on a Pirate themed kit. I've got the papers and the tags done and I've made the frames. I don't know if I'm going to decorate them yet or not, so I won't say they are finished. Just made. LOL. And I've started work on the elements. Camp Tippy Canoe does not have a lot of regular elements like ribbons, bows, etc in it. This one will.

In the meantime, here's a tag using my "Sunshine Beach" taggers kit:

Sunshine Beach

The poser is (c) by Untamed Angel and the Summer Sun alpha was a freebie from Shel Belle Scraps.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Camp Wilderness - from me to you!

Camp Tippy Canoe photo DCD_CampTippyCanoe_TS.png

Summer Camp - love it or hate it. For some, it is a right of passage. For others...well, let's just say I'm a city girl. Either way Camp Tippy Canoe delivers summer camp wilderness right to your computer!

This great mix of realistic and whimsical elements starts off with 20 Outdoorsy Papers (800 x 800 pxls, .jpg format). Add to that 10 frames and 5 tags plus an additional 91 .png elements, and you have everything you need to re-live summer memories...or make some new ones.

Packed inside your camp backpack you'll find 5 doodle yarns, 5 paperclip bows, 5 stringbows, 4 forest trees, 4 houseflies, 4 spiders (including Shelob), 4 logs, 3 grass borders, 3 sticker cabins, 3 froggers, 3 squirrels, 2 stones, 2 ants (1 red, 1 black), 2 blue flower bushes, 2 dragonflies, 2 tent stickers, 2 vines, 2 snakes, 2 plants, 1 frog, 1 snailhouse, 1 backpack doodle, 1 camp bus, 1 canoe, 1 cardinal, 1 dandelion seed, 1 dandelion, 1 draft horse (Dotty), 1 evergreen tree, 1 pair of field gasses, 1 grasshopper, 1 ivy vine, 1 ladybug, 1 little bird, 1 raven, 1 songbird, 1 tire swing, 1 tree stump and axe, 1 wildflower clump, 1 water lily, 1 deer, 1 bedroll, 1 campfire and 8 stickers (2 councilors, 2 campers, and 4 survival items).

But beware of the insects because the only thing you won't Off!

300 DPI. Personal use only. Thanks to Digiweb Studio for the artwork used in the creation of this design.

There's actually a lot my memories in this kit. The first camp I ever went to - I was six at the time - and there was a draft horse there named Dotty that pulled a big wagon that we took a hay ride in. There were two horses, actually, but I only remember the name of the one (probably because she stepped on my foot).

It was a weekend camp and I was sharing a tent with four other girls. Someone left the tent flap unzipped and we got back to the tent it was filled with spiders! The other girls had learned to grab the daddy long legs and toss them, so they were de-spidering the tent when this HUGE fuzzy black wolf spider crawled up the tent wall from out of one of the sleeping bags. The other girls gave me the flashlight and told me to keep an eye on it while they went for the councilor. I don't know how long they were gone - probably not that long - but that spider climbed up the tent wall and then started working it's way across the tent ceiling toward me - which is when I freaked out and started screaming.

The councilor got there real fast with a rag, grabbed the thing and hurled it into the woods. Need I say, I didn't sleep at all that night as I was quite certain there were more spiders in the blankets! My dad came and got me the next morning. He was my hero!

It's taken me a long, long, long time to get over my fear of spiders.

After my folks got divorced, my mother would send my sister and I to camps every summer for a week. While we were gone she'd then take a week's vacation to Arizona. I didn't catch on to this scheme until I was like 11 or 12 - which was the end of my going to the hated summer camps.

I would MUCH rather have gone to the beach!

This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Here's a couple of tags I did last night using the kit. The Military Pride posers are from MediEvil Creations, while the Camo alphas are courtesy of Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Camp Tippy Canoe 1

Camp Tippy Canoe 2

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Awesome Layouts!

I'm still having a lot of problems with the computer at home and trying to surf the internet. I'm okay as long as I don't go near blogger, but the minute I try to look at a blog, Netscape crashes. I guess I need to totally uninstall it, delete all the files and start again and see if that helps. Sheesh.

Anyway, some layouts that were done using my kits. The first two are from Lillian who's done a really great job. She's using more cub scout pictures, LOL!

Enchanted Cub Scout

This one uses my Enchanted Forest kit. I had a blast making it, and I hope she enjoyed working with it as much. There's an Enchanted Forest II in the works, but it's going a bit more darker and dangerous than the first! (Here by Dragons!)

Going on a Cub Scout Hunt

The second uses my Lion Hunt kit and is just too adorable! She's got her Cub all caged! LOL! Both these layouts were done for the Winni Lesson' Groups and again, if you interested, you can find the links to them here.

The next two layouts come from Ishona from the Scrappetizing store CT. She had The Big Kahuna kit and decided to have a go at it. Theses layouts turned out fabulous!

Under the Sea

It's been a while since I've been under the waves and I do miss it. It's a very magical world down there. This looks totally refreshing, does it not?


Top side, we've got one nice looking sail boat. I could go for that right about now. How about you?

Awesome job by both of them!

These kits are available right now in all three of my stores! In the meantime, assuming the computer from hell co-operates, I should have Camp Tippy Canoe hitting the stores either tonight or tomorrow!

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rock Star Dreamz Tutorial

Rock Star Dreamz

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Rock Star Dreamz taggers kit by Kimmie's Kreations. This kit is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps. Please note that we are using one of the tubes included in the kit.

The Glitterbug 4 Script by Bluebird Designs, which may be downloaded for free here. (Note: we will not be using the script, only the enclosed glitter tiles).

Wee Scots Lass mask #228, which you can download HERE.

Font of Choice.

Optional Silver Alpha by Crazed's Creations which may be download for free from her blog.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in most other versions of PSP.

Before you begin, make sure you've added the glitters from the glitter bug script to your Patterns directory in My PSP Files, and the Masks to your Masks directory.

Open a new raster canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, flood fill white.

Open RSD Paper 1, resize to 800 x 800 pxls, and add to canvas.

Open music glittertrail 4, resize to 85% and add to canvas, centered at H500, V130.

Open Paper 11. Resize by 70%. Select Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk and locate Wee Scots Lass mask # 228, Make sure the fit to canvas box is checked and click on Load.

Using your pick tool, drag the guide lines out until they take up the whole canvas area. Then select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group. Copy and paste Paper 11 to your main canvas centered.

Open Grunge Frame 5 and add to canvas, centered. Using you pick tool, rotate the frame approximately 20 degrees, counter clockwise. on the pallet layer, click on paper 11, and also rotate it counter clockwise to match the frame.

On the layer pallet, click on the frame layer to activate it. Open RockStar doll 5 and add to canvas, centered at H250, V430.

Open guitar element 1. On the Materials pallet, find glitter-bug tiles, glitter pink. Using you paint bucket tool, glitterize guitar element 1. Make sure you glitter all the notes as well.

Resize guitar element 1 to 70%. On the layers pallet, click on paper 11 to activate it, then cut and paste guitar element 1 to the canvas, centered.

On the layers pallet, click on the frame layer to activate it. Open corset 4, resize to 65% and add to the canvas, centered at H600, V600. Using you pick tool, rotate clockwise about 20 to 30 degrees. Relocate the center to H530, V580.

Open lanyard 1, resize 70% and add to the canvas centered at H580, V290.

Open Backstage Pass 3. On the materials pallet, set your foreground and background colors to White (#FFFFFF). On the Backstage pass, using the Arial Black font (72 points, bold, centered) type "VIP" (in all caps). Use your pick tool to size appropriately.

Select --> Layers --> Merge -- Merge Visible. Resize to 50% and add to the canvas, centered at V590, H500.

Open Flair 2, resize 50% and add to the canvas, at v580, H100.

Click on the Rock Star Doll to activate, and add a drop shadow. I am using offsets of H10, V10, Opacity 60, Blur 25, and color Black.

Using a font of your choice, add the copyright and designer info to the tag just under the bottom of the frame. The correct copyright for the Rock Star Doll is

"(c) LK Designs"

The designer info is

"Scraps by Kimmie's Kreationz"

I am using the font Clarence, which is my new favorite font of the week. Use your pick tool to resize to taste. It's okay if it goes over the corset some.

Save your artist's copy as a .pspimg file.

Adding a Name: Usually I leave this up to you. If you wish to use the optional Silver Alpha, proceed as follows:

Minimize your main canvas and open a new raster canvas, 800 pxls wide, 300 pxls high with a transparent background. You can turn your grid on if you'd like, I just use the little checkerboard pattern on the canvas to line things up.

Open the letter(s) of choice. This is a taggers size font and will not need resizing. Repeat the procedure with each of letters in the name you are spelling out. If you have double letters - as in the A and N in my name - you need only do this once as you can use duplicate function to replicate them on the canvas.

Since the alpha only comes in one size, you may wish to use your pick tool to resize the "lower case" letters in the name.

Using the pick tool, line the letters up on the new canvas to spell out the name you wish to add to the tag. Note that if you have a LONG name, you may need to make the letters a bit smaller to fit them all onto the canvas.

One you have the name composed to taste, select, Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Edit and copy the name and then reactivate your main canvas. Add the name to the canvas, centered at around H300, V100. This may change depending upon how long the name is. Use the pick tool to resize and relocate the name to taste. You may add a drop shadow to the alpha if you wish.

You are now ready to save the finished tag as either a .png or .jpg. Select --> Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Resize the canvas by 75% (600 x 600) pxl. Save as --> .jpg.

Your all done! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Sneak Peaks

Sleeping helps, it really does. I actually feel physically better as far as the arthritis goes after I've had a good night's sleep.

It's just hard to kick the sleeping pill though, and - like Friday night - I took the pill and still couldn't get to sleep. All it did was make me ornery, which is probably not a good thing.

But it does help.

For it being a holiday weekend, I did get a lot of work done, getting two new kits into the store and working up my part of a fundraising collab we're doing at Sophisti-Scraps. Lisa had done up some cookies to go with it, and was concerned about the coloring, but as I pointed out...the pallet is dark, so the brighter colors of the cookie posers work fine for the tag:

2 Tix 2 Paradyce Sampler

The scraps are from my portion of the collab, they were the only ones I had to play with.

I of course did the tags with the summer blog train kits. I also started working on a new kit. The working title is "Summer Camp" although I think it's going to be released under the name of Camp Tippy Canoe. Right now it's looking more like an advert for a horror movie than a summer scrap kit:

Summer Camp Sampler

Might be too terrifying for small children but then...we were small children when we lived through it. I love the look on that snake's face! It's like "HI! there." I did start adding birds in, so perhaps that will help lighten the mood...

The large spider is there for a reason. It was part of one of those tramadic events when I was a small child. (Along with my folks divorce and having to take my beautiful Puffy cat to the pound where she was probably euthanized. Have I ever mentioned I hate my mother?)

I still have work to do on the kit, but it's coming...soon to a scrap store near you.

Beyond that, my computer has been in a PIA this weekend. I can navigate to G-Mail, Yahoo, stores and message boards, but the minute I go near a blog Firefox crashes. Very annoying.

I'm beginning to think it may be a problem with blogger and not with Firefox, but I guess we'll see today when I'm using the browser at work.

Hope you had a happy and safe Fourth of July. Mine was relatively quiet. Catch you later!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

A ride on the Gothic Inspirations Summer Blog Train

I did some tagging with the various kits you can pick up (for FREE) on the Gothic Inspirations Summer Blog Train. In most cases these were taggers sized kits, but two of them were traditional size - I'll cover those as I get to them.

Missing from this collection is the Bits'N'Bob's Summer Spritzer kit, which I'm going to do a tutorial on, as well as the two element packs from Created by Jill and Designs by Sarah, as well as the Summer Time Word Art by Anti Social Distorions. This is not to belittle them in any way, I was just trying to see what I could with the individual kits.

All the posers are from Lisa at Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging. I love her little cookie posers, they are just too darn cute! These can be purchased from Sophisti-Scraps.

Gothic Inspirations Summer Blog Train

First up is this great offering from Jessica at Gothic Inspirations who was kind enough to host this great train. He brings us a "large" taggers sized kit with the papers saved to 850 pixels. (You can click on any of these tags to make them bigger by the way). The kit comes with 15 papers and 59 elements. I love glitter splats, so I really enjoyed the ones she include in the kit. And aren't those flowers gorgeous?

Click on over and pick this one up. After the 15th it goes into her store and you'll be sorry you didn't snag it for free when you had the chance!

The paper clips is from Sam's Scraps, and the alpha comes from the Digital Blueprint portion of the blog train.

Any of the masks I am using in the these tags, like the one in this tag, are from Wee Scots Lass.

Summer by Sky Scraps

This next tag comes from Sky's Scraps who added some totally cute Bugilious clip art to it. The kit comes with 9 papers and 43 elements, certainly more than enough for several tags, especially as I couldn't fit in all some of the really nice elements she included.

Beach Days

What would the summer be without a trip to the beach? Natasha from Sticky Kisses takes us out to the surf and I really love the cute little elements she's put in here.

15 papers and 25 elements including the Beach Days word art. The Alpha on this one is the Beach Bum alpha from Digi-Designs by Nicole and is not included in the kit.

Sun and Sand

Melisa's Scraps offering is a full size mini-kit which comes with 4 beautiful papers and 18 elements. Even after I scripted it down to tag with some of the elements were huge, but that's okay. It's easier to make them smaller, than it is to enlarge them.

I LOVE that sand dollar! LOL! The Summer Sun alpha used in the tag is courtesy of Shel Bell and is not included in the kit.

Candy Girl

If you like candy you'll just love a trip to the sweet shop Made by Justine.

This taggers sized kit comes with six regular papers and 4 glitter papers, 38 elements and an alpha.

Justine did a great job on this one and I had a lot of fun playing with it, so be sure to check it out.

Summer Fun by Laura

Laura's Designz brings us another taggers sized kit and I love the papers on this one! There's 8 of them, as well as 26 fun elements including some really nice flowers. The alpha is again from the Digital Blueprint kit which...

Digital Blueprint

...brings us to the other traditional size kit in this train. Digital Blueprint delivers with 5 papers and 12 elements, plus the alpha. This is another on that's headed to the stores after the 15th so if you've got some summer layouts to do, be sure to snag it now.

Great stuff from all the talented artists who participated in this fine blog train. And don't forget my own contributions - The Summer Lands - which is a tagger sized affair.

Hope you enjoyed this quick look at what's available! I certainly enjoyed playing with all the summery colors!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tail Waggin' Tutorial

The best things in life

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

My Puppylicious taggers kit, which may be purchased at Sophisti-Scraps, Scrappetizing and Stargazer Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using one of the Cookies Critters - Freckles tubes by Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging. You can purchase this tube pack at Sophisti-Scraps.

Wee Scots Lass mask #162, which you can download HERE.

Font of Choice.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in most other versions of PSP.

To begin, open a new raster canvas, 800 x 800 pxl, Flood fill white.

Open DCD_Paper 14. Select Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk and locate WSL mask # 162. Make sure the "Fit to Canvas" box is checked and click on load.

Using your pick tool, drag the guide lines on the mask out to the edge of the canvas. Then select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group. Copy and paste the paper to your main canvas.

Open Fire Hydrant and add to canvas, centered at H200, V400.

Open Ribbon01, resize to 80% and add to canvas, centered at V400, H650.

Open Tube of Choice. I am using Freckles 2 by Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging. Add to canvas, centered.

Open SYP Scottie, resize by 50% and mirror. on the layer pallet, click on the ribbon layer to activate, then add the Scottie to the canvas, centered at V620, H500.

Erase the the hair on the Freckles poser so that it looks like the Scottie dog is next to her.

add a drop shadow to the tube layer. I am using offsets of 10 each, Opacity of 60, Blur of 25, color Black.

Open WA-Furry and resize to 60%. Add to the canvas centered at H400, V130.

On the Material's Pallet, set both your foreground color and background to black. Using the font of your choice, add the copyright information to the tag. You may also add "Scraps by" and "Tagged by" if you'd like.

For the Freckles poser, the Copyright information is:

(c) LK Designs

I have the copyright info centered at V400, H700, your mileage may very.

You can now save your artist's copy at a .pspimage.

Using the included paw print alpha, pick out the letters for the name you wish to add, resize each to 25%, and add to the canvas in a staggered manner along the front. Use you pick key to rotate the letters slightly at random to give it a fun sort of look.

Resize the image to 75% (600 x 600 pxls).

You may then merge visible and save the file as a .jpg file or you may drop the white background, merge visible and save as a .png file.

That it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Friday, July 3, 2009

New from Digicats (and Dogs)

Rosario's Pizzeria

Remember the old Mom and Pop pizza places? The decor often left a lot to be desired, but the food was outstanding. Rosario's Pizzaria is a step up from plastic table cloths, but the food is still excellent!

20 Grungy Papers, 10 shabby and worn frames, 8 crumpled paper tags, plus 75 .png elements including: 10 Bows, 10 Ribbons, 5 candles, 5 folded ric rac, 5 Kiss the Chef badges, 5 slices of pizza, 5 wraps, 3 brooches, 3 vases 2 cooking mitts, 2 heart rolls, 1 Little Angel, 1 Pizza Pan, 1 set of bowls, 1 box of veggies, 1 chalkboard, 1 chef's sign, 1 chef's hat, 1 hanging sign, 1 Pizza Paddle w/Pizza, a red rose, a white rose, 1 wine bottle with 2 wine glasses, 1 Brick Pizza Oven, 1 Pizza Paddle, 1 Pizza Sign, 1 Wine Barrel, 1 Gold Butterfly and 1 bunch of grapes.

Everything is saved to 300 DPI, and can be used for smaller print jobs up to 5 x 7 inch size.

Make sure you have the number for carryout near by, because you'll want it by the time you finish with this kit!

Thanks to DigiWeb Studio and Whimsy Primsy for providing the art work used in the creation of this kit.

Personal Use Only Please!

Note: This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

The Big Kahuna photo DCD_TheBigKahuna_TS-1.png

Maui is known as the magic isle and a far as surfing goes, it's definitely magic. The Big Kahuna carries the magic of the surf with it as it takes you on a trip to the Valley Isle and the wave swept sand covered beaches without ever leaving your home.

Inside this beautiful kit you'll find 20 tropical papers, 6 frames, 5 tags and 2 post cards and 112 fabulous elements making this one huge kit with lots of tagging opportunities.

You get 10 Flowers 5 bows, 5 butterflies, 5 dragonflies, 5 sea horses, 5 lady bugs, 5 ric racs, 5 strings, 5 string wraps, 5 surf boards, 5 sea shells, 4 beach bags, 4 beach towels, 5 beach umbrellas, pairs of flip flops (or summer slippers), 3 Macaws, 3 sets of waves, 3 conch shells, 2 deck chairs, 2 beautiful "faun" beach girl posers, 2 Hibiscus, 2 palm trees, 2 tiki, 2 '30 Ford Woodies, 2 starfish, 1 blue bird of happiness, 1 glitter star, 1 juke box, 1 orange flower, 1 orange lily, 1 pink hibiscus, 1 sand border, the sun, a sun charm, a Sunflower. 1 toucan, and 1 rose of Sharon.

Personal Use. Scrap 4 Hire, Scrap 4 Others, okay!

Pick up The Big Kahuna today and enjoy your stay on the magic isle!

This kit has been retired and is now FREE!
Download your copy HERE.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

High Seas Tutorial

High Seas Tutorial

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The High Seas taggers kit by Pimp'd Designz. You can purchase this kit at Sophisti-Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using "X marks the Spot" by Kevin Clark. You must have a license to use this tube, which may be obtained at

Cameron Mask # 235, which you can download for free from her website.

Black Epoxy Alpha, which you can download HERE.

Font of Choice. I am using Orbus Multiserif which is a windows system font. If you don't have it, you can download it from Font Trader.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in most other versions of PSP.

Open an new canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, Flood Fill White.

Open High Seas PP11

Select Layers --> load save mask -->Load mask from disk and find Cameron Mask 235. Make sure both the "fit to canvas" and "invert transparency" boxes are checked, then click on load.

Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group, then cut and paste pp11 to your canvas.

Open Pirate Ship. Resize to 75% and paste to canvas, centered at H400, V350.

Open Greens-2 and add to canvas at H550, V370.

Open Sand and add to canvas at H400, V650.

Open psp12039 X Marks the Spot by Kevin Clark, and copy the tube layer to your canvas, centered at H500, V450.

Open Net. Resize to 50%, and add to canvas, centered at H350, V650. Using you pick tool, rotate the netting slightly clockwise about 15 or 20 degrees, so that it covers the bottom of the Pirate's boot.

Open Starfish, resize to 50% and add to canvas, centered at H200, V620.

Open Bottle, resize to 35% and add to canvas, centered at H350, V640.

On the layers pallet, click on the tube layer to activate it, then add a drop shadow to the tube. I am using offsets vertical and horizontal of 10 (each), opacity of 60 and blur of 25 (color black).

On the Materials Pallet, set your foreground color to #000000 (black) and your background color to #0e697c (dark teal). Using a font of your choice, enter the copyright information for the tube that you are using.

For "X Marks the Spot" the copyright information is:


You may also add the background & tagged by information if you wish. I have my information centered at H400, V750.

You may now save your artist's copy as a .pspimage.

Adding a Name: Usually I leave this up to you, but the Black Epoxy alpha works so good with Pirate tags I that have to recommend it at this point. If you don't want to, that's fine. But it is free...after all.

The alpha is a full sized one. For the moment, minimize your main canvas and open a new raster canvas, 800 pxls wide, 300 pxls high with a transparent background. You can turn your grid on if you'd like, I just use the little checkerboard pattern on the canvas to line things up.

Open the Black Epoxy Capital letter of choice. Resize to 25%, add to the canvas. Repeat the procedure with each of the lower case letters in the name you are spelling out. If you have double letters - as in the A and N in my name - you need only do this once as you can use duplicate function to replicate them on the canvas.

Using the pick tool, line the letters up on the new canvas to spell out the name you wish to add to the tag. Note that if you have a LONG name, you may need to make the letters a bit smaller to fit them all onto the canvas.

One you have the name composed to taste, select, Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Edit and copy the name and then reactivate your main canvas. Add the name to the canvas, centered at around H200, V550. This may change depending upon how long the name is. Use the pick tool to resize and relocate the name to taste.

You are now ready to save the finished tag as either a .png or .jpg. Please note that if you plan to use this tag on message boards, you may need to use a .jpg size as their upload size may preclude using a .png file, which is generally about 6 times the size of a .jpg file.

To save as a .png, right click on the white layer on the layer pallet and select delete. (Are you sure? Yes.)

Go to Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Go to Image --> resize and resize to 75% (600 x 600 pxls). This is also maximum size for most message boards. File --> "Save as" and save as a .png.

To save as a .jpg, follow the steps as outlined above, but do NOT delete the white layer.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Butterfly Garden Tutorial

Butterfly Garden

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Whimsy Butterfly Garden by Gemini Creationz. This kit may be purchased at Sophisti-Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using the Seasonal Fae Cookie posers by Sophisticated Scraps and Images.

Wee Scots Lass masks #235 & #245, which you can download HERE.

Shel Belle's FTU Summer Sun alpha, which may be downloaded from her blog. This is a full sized alpha, I have scripted it down to use for tagging.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in most other versions of PSP.

To begin, open a new canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, Flood fill white.

Open WBG Paper-3. Select Layers --< Load/Save Mask --< Load Mask from Disk and find WSL Mask 235. Make sure the "Fit to canvas" box is checked and then click on "Load".

Layers --< Merge --< Merge Group, then copy and paste Paper 3 to the main canvas, centered.

Open WBG Paper-1. Select Layers --< Load/Save Mask --< Load Mask from Disk and find WSL Mask 245. Make sure the "Fit to canvas" box is checked and then click on "Load".

Layers --< Merge --< Merge Group, resize to 60%, then copy and paste Paper 3 to the main canvas, centered at H250, V550. Use your pick tool to rotate the paper about 30 degrees clockwise.

Open Birdhouse 1, resize to 80% and copy and paste to the main canvas, centered at V670, H400.

Open Tube of choice. I am using Sophisticated Scraps Seasonal Faes - Spring 2. Copy and paste to canvas centered at V400, H450.

Open Grass Flowers, and resize to 35%. Add to your canvas centered at H300, V600.

Repeat with TallGrassFlowers, but center on the canvas at H500, V600.

On your layers pallet, click on the blue paper layer to activate. Open Sunclouds1, resize to 65% and add to your canvas, centered at H220, V130.

On your layers pallet, click on the TallGrassFlowers to active. Open Ivy 1, resize to 75%, and add you your canvas centered at H400, V600. Using your pick tool, rotate the ivy about 30 degrees clockwise, then relocate the vertical center to 650. This should put the ivy down along the bottom of the tag.

Open WBG Sign, resize to 65% and add to canvas, centered at H580, V650.

Open Flowers of choice, 1 through 6, resize 25% each and place at random along the ivy at the bottom of the tag.

Open Butterflies of choice 1 through 5, resize 25% and place at random in the air around the Fae at the top of the tag.

Add a drop shadow of choice to your Fae. I am using Offsets of Vertical & Horizontal 10 each, Opacity 60, Blur 25.

Select Image, rotate right. On the (now bottom) part of the tag, next to the birdhouse post enter the copyright information for the tag.

For the Seasonal Fae, the copyright info is:

(c) LK Designs;

You may add the Scrap Designer information (Gemini Creationz) and the tagged by information as well.

I using a foreground color of Red #ea3130, and a background info of muted yellow #f8d189, and am using the font Footlight MT Light, Bolded and Centered.

Select Image, rotate left.

You may now save the artist's copy as a .pspimage.

For the name, I am using the Summer Sun Alpha by Shel Belle, which is an optional full sized alpha that I have scripted down for tagging. You may add your name as you wish.

For the purposes of this tutorial, I am locating the name on the left hand side of the tag, centered at H200, V550. Your mileage may vary. I have also added a drop shadow to the name, again, that is a personal preference.

Select Image, resize, make sure the resize all layers box is checked and resize the tag 75% (600 pxls by 600 pxls). You may then either drop the white background, merge visible and save as a .png file, or leave the white background in place and save as a .jpg file. Either way is acceptable.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Optional JPG file with white background:

Butterfly Garden - Lisa

Gothic Inspirations Blog Train Freebie

The Summerlands photo DCD_Summerlands_TS.png

Woooo! Wooooo!

Welcome aboard the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train and this month, the train is heading for summer! Here at Digicats we've got a beautiful fairy themed summer kit for you called "The Summerlands".

It's all about keys and the magical Door into Summer - something you may want when winter rolls around again.

we start out with 24 papers. Because this is the "Gothic Inspirations" blog train, some of the papers are a little on the dark and gothic side because, well...danger lurks in the fairy lands as well. This is a taggers sized kit, so all the papers are saved to 800 x 800 pxls in .jpg format, and as is everything in the kit, 300 DPI.

There are also 8 frames and 8 tags. I left two of the frames in this preview at full size so you could see the detail work in them. They're just beautiful pieces! You can click on any of these previews to make them bigger, BTW.

And last, but not least our the elements. Included in the kit are 8 star ribbons, and 8 bows, 4 painted birds, 4 pillar candles, 4 taper candles, 4 crescent moons, 4 Dragonflies, 4 sets of Fae Lights, 4 envelopes of fairy dust, 4 fairy dust trails, 4 flowers, 4 gem butterflies, 4 keys, 4 rowan trees, 4 star lights and 4 star brights, 4 sets of wings, 4 wired flowers, 2 clouds, the sun, a stone path, a bird house, a fairy swing, one "Aiko Elf" fairy by Bits'N'Bobs, and the fabled Door into Summer.

Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.

If you know someone who is interested in this kit , please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.

Plus I already pay for premium download service so you don't have to wait for your freebies, and the links stay here FOREVER, so you don't have to put this kit anywhere else to share it, just link to this post.

To download from MediaFire, click HERE.
The password is "TYVM" - no quotes.

If you enjoyed this freebie, please take a moment to vote for Digi!

Over the Rainbow
Click on the blinkie to vote!

Once you've download head on over to these other great stops on the Gothic Inspirations Goodie Train! And don't forget to leave a word of thanks when you download. It's what helps keep these trains rolling!

Gothic Inspirations
Created By Jill
Anti Social Distortions
Sky's Scraps
PSP Addict
Digicats (& Dogs) --You are here!
Sticky Kisses Designs
Digital Blue Print
Melissa's Scraps
Pimp My Tags With Scraps
Bits N Bobs
Laura's Designz

Remember that you can keep up with all the latest Digicats news and freebies just by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter!

Fairies Play - Dianna photo fairiesplay1_080409Dianna.png