
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Panthera Domestica

Panthera Domestica
Click on image to enlarge.

Panthera Domestica, a.k.a. the common House Panther is found in major cities and rural areas all over the world. Their territories may range from single room apartments to several urban blocks, although few tend to roam far from their lairs.

The House Panther is a naturally occurring melanistic color variant of the tabby variety of the Near Eastern wildcat. Subspecies of the Panthera Domestica include a gray (a.k.a. blue) variant.

Despite the name there is nothing "common" about these majestic creatures, who are close direct descendants of the sacred cats of the Temple of the Egyptian Goddess Bast.

Loving, fiercely loyal and very protective of those things that they hold dear, Panthera Domestica is one of the best friends anyone can have.

Find out more about Panthera Domestica at House Panthers as we celebrate a festival of black fur during Midnight Monday.

This public service announcement was brought to you by Raspberry Road Design's Wild Kingdom.

Fishing Trip

black cat,vacation
Click on image to enlarge.

Meanwhile Diamond gets in some deep sea fishing.

This was made with Karen Lewis' Little Safari kit, and I actually envision another piece that includes some dialog between the little animals in the kit that I haven't put together yet. But if I use Tavi for Woofie Wednesday, I may not actually need it until Friday...

Peach at the Beach

Peach at the Beach
Click on image to enlarge.

It must be an epidemic or something. Suddenly efurry one is heading for the beach. The lovely Miss Peach is the latest to take a trip, courtesy of Catatonic Airlines.

This includes elements from Michelle Boroni's Ocean Lights kit, a profusion of flowers from Swheat Creations, Alpha from Oceans by Butterfly, shells and ribbons from Curly Wirly Twirly Girlies' Bargara Dreams and background paper from Karen Lewis' Little Safari kit.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Vintage Pair

Mickey and Miss Peach
Click on image to enlarge.

Hockey and Miss Peach are a vintage pair of cats - Mickey is 14 years old while Miss Peach is the older woman at 16 - and one of the foremost couples on Cat Blogosphere. Mickey can be found at Mickey's Musings, while Miss Peach blogs at Miss Peach's Meowz.

Since Mickey lives in Canada (Nova Scotia), and Miss Peach lives in Washington (the state) so the only way to get them together is via the magic of the internet.

This uses mainly Shabby Princess' Vintage Florals kit although I added in some flowers from their Harvest Spice kit. The ribbon and bow in the corner came from Digital Freebies' Family Man Kit.

I feel this needs "something" - either lettering (but what to say?) - or a love poem, but something. Then again, maybe the cats themselves say everything that needs to be said?

Hockey Puck

black cat
Click on image to enlarge.

Hockey Puck is the youngest of the Felines at Petronious the Arbiter. The last post we was from Petey, which was in February of 2008 saw the Puckster all grown up!

With a cool name like Hockey Puck, I had to do something wintery, so I used Raspberry Road Designs Mystic Winter Freebie on this. The lettering and the snow flake overlay are both from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

An April Fool

Click on image to enlarge.

I knew that Monday we'd be doing and April Fool's post for Myth Monday, but my problem was who/what was going to be the April Fool. Then it occurred to me that Sarah celebrates her birthday on April Fools Day. So here she is, clowning around a bit and making a purr-fect April Fool of herself.

This uses Raspberry Road Designs' Free Clovis the Clown Mega-Kit. The Alpha is Little Monster, from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

I also made a matching card to send to her:

Happy Birthday Sarah-Dippy!
Click on image to enlarge.

When Sarah is not clowning around, this reformed criminal and cheese wiz thief is out tracking down bad guys as a Bounty Hunter...

Sarah Reddeer

Sarah lives with her Mommy and her Auntie in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.

Beach patrol

Click on the image to supersize the cuteness

While I was over at Digital Freebies, I found this adorable kit called Little Safari, so I picked that one up as well. While I have not actual use for it, it will give me some digital friends for Miss Diamond, and it will appeal to the kids who read her page.

Maybe I can work it into the Beach Theme for Diamond's blog and make it surfin' Safari?

The sunset pictures are from Smathers Beach, Key West, Florida, and were taken in 1993. Smathers is a man made beach. The natural beach that was there was destroyed when they built the airport, so they imported white sand from the Bahamas and made a new beach. Much of that orignal sand has probably washed itself back to the Bahamas, so they have to bring in more every year.


black cat
Click on the image to enlarge.

The Friday Freebie at Digital Freebies was an add on for the Family Man kit. On the whole, I don't have much use for that kit because let's face it, there aren't any men left in my family. But it's had to find good male themed kits, and so I did buy the kit based on that justification. It made more sense than buying three easter kits did.

Happy-Go-Lucky is one of several House Panther members at Petronious the Arbiter. Hockey Puck and Petey himself are members as well, as I think is one of the females. I can't find much on the girls on the site.

In any case, Lucky or HGL as he is sometimes called, is tailless - which I guess would make him a House Bobcat.

While Petey has been blogging since November of 2005, it's been mainly on and off, more off than on. He was fairly active on House Panthers, but has been quiet of late, and he acts as the voice for Lucky who he claims his is "personal assistant who handles all his dirty work, like grooming and pouncing."

Lucky was the baby of the family until Hockey Puck showed up. He claims he likes napping with his mom, chasing his sisfurs and playing with the red dot. He's learned to open the cabinet doors in the kitchen, and eat the doggie food - the felines also share their home with a number of doggies.

He's 15 lbs, and much like Diamond, he's a bell rub whore.

This piece, like most of my others, was done to an 8 x 10 format for printing purposes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Swanky Cocoa

black cat
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Cocoa is a little more skittish than Midnight and is afraid of a lot of things: strange people, strange kitties, moving water plastic bags and loud noises are all listed amongst the things that scare him. He loves Fishy Flakes and Temptations for treats and like Diamond, will try to get them as often as he can.

He will occasionally whap Grr in an attempt to start a game of Thundering Herd of Elephants. He's not afraid of putting the big bitey on Grr though if she should play too rough.

Cocoa and Grr look quite a bit a like, but Grr is bigger. You can find Cocoa at Grr, Midnight and Cocoa.

This piece was done with Raspberry Road Design's Swanky kit, and is the companion to the Midnight page. Created to 8 x 10 portrait size for printing.

black cat,Cat,Cat toy
Click on image to enlarge

Cocoa was previously featured on House Panthers on March 7, 2007.

Midnight in Swank

black cat
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This pieces matches with Swanky Cocoa, both being done with Raspberry Road Designs' Swanky freebie. The lettering is from Oceans by Butterfly and the Black Beads are from the Beach Nut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs.

Midnight, Cocoa and Grrr were all feral kittens found living under a junk car in 2005.

Midnight gets a lovely red ruff around her neck in the winter, that sheds out in the summer. She and Cocoa are the closest of the siblings, although she has a very close relationship with Grr as well.

Like her siblings, Midnight blogs at Grr, Midnight and Cocoa.

(On a side note, I was checking out Pam Lefors' Shop and she's got some REALLY NICE stuff. Worth the visit. Really!)

black cat,photoshop
click on image to enlarge

Midnight was previously featured on House Panthers on Monday, March 3rd.

Bad to the Bone

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And this, of course, was an excuse to play with the MeeGee Designs Aussie Scout set. I used some elements from Raspberry Road Designs' Scouts Honor set. The Bone Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Diamond however, has some interesting ideas on what Johnny Rotty is up to.

My Little Niphead

black cat,Diamond
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This was just an excuse to play with the Splendid Kit from Shabby Princess. It has Alphas (yippee!), and lots of paisleys, but no flowers. So the flowers are from The Five Corners of my Mind Country Chic kit.

Princess Danielle (Redo)

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This is the rework of the Princess Danielle piece. I cropped the photos and turned to Digital Freebies' Spring Fling kit for the extra elements as the colors fit in better. Except for the profussion of flowers, which came from the Oceans by Butterfly Kit. I need to check Digi-Free for flower kits.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Holiday Dreams

Clink on image to enlarge

I was more happy with this one, which uses Raspberry Road Designs' Mystic Winter kit. Maybe because it's darker and I'm not a big fan of pink?

Danielle was obviously expecting heavy snowfall here in Cape Coral, Florida, judging from the boots she was wearing with her P.J.'s!

Bike was one of the things she found under the tree.

Princess Danielle

Princess Danielle
Clink on image to enlarge

My friend's daughter Danielle has a princess fixation, which I understand is normal for little girls her age. I think this is where I messed up. I was into Roy Rogers when I was her age.

In any case, MeeGee Designs is an Australian designer who does a lot of Disney stuff and had a couple of Princess Paper Packs, so I decided to play with it.

There are elements from Shabby Princess' Splendid Kit, flowers from Five Corners of My Mind's Country Chic kit and the Pink Cookie lettering is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

I'm not entirely happy with it, and I did save the working file in case Rowena wants it changed.

On a side note MeeGee designs has some awesome freebie papers as well as a mega sized Australian Scout Kit. Fun stuff.

Pirates of the Caribbean (Take 2)

black cat,Diamond,Pirate
Click on image to enlarge it.

This is a redo of the Pirates of the Caribbean themed Meow Like A Pirate day piece that I wasn't happy with.

It mainly used Retrodiva's Be Mine Freebie Kit which I got by way of Digital Scrapbooking Freebies. Not the Johnny Depp part (obviously). I was then looking for gold brads but settled for a few odds and ends from Raspberry Road Designs' Javo Joe Freebie.

Unlike the original, this one was scrapped to 8x10 so it could be printed out and added to the "Cute Cat" book.

Cecil selling SeaShells by the Seashore

Click on image to enlarge it.

Cecil the Cougar was trying to pretend he was at the beach on his blog today, and so I sent him there.

Gave him a side business to pay for his vacation with as well, because that's not Fort Lauderdale, Ba-bee!

Combined Beachnut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs, and Oceans by Butterfly Kit again, plus another Grand Cayman shot.

I think Raspberry Road Designs had a free Oceans themed kit as well. I need to go look...

Wrestling with Rascal

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Rascal is Riley's brother, one of the two kittens that were adopted together by Grr, Midnight and Cocoa after they were found abandoned in a park at the end of August, apparently on the day they were born.

This is the companion piece to Riley's Room and also uses the Baily's Room freebie from Raspberry Road Designs. I took the pink out to make it more fitting for a young mancat. The flower alphas on both pieces came from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Rascal is going to be our featured House Panther on April Fools Day. But don't tell anyone, it's a secret!

Slightly Smudged

black cat
Click on the image to enlarge it.

Smudge was the founder of House Panthers. Smudge was diagnosed with CRF in November of 2006. At the time it was suggested that he had six months to a year to live, but he has since made it past that and seems to be doing well with the one remaining kidney he has.

Originally he lived with Magoo, Bella and Dolce and blogged at And then there were However, after he became sick, he began to associate his human Dad with the Vet visits, and decided that house was not his home anymore. He moved in with his Grandmaw and now lives with his new sisfur Chloe where he is more comfortable.

We don't hear much from Smudge these days since his Gramdmaw is not a blogging type human, but he seems happy and was last reported (Nov. of 2007) as doing well there.

I had gotten this background from MeeGee Designs, and combined with the Beachnut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs, and Oceans by Butterfly (Um amor de bebe) to come up this the little tribute to him.

Down by the Seaside

black cat,Diamond
Click on the image to enlarge it.

I had gotten these two ocean related kits, Beachnut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs, and Oceans by Butterfly (Um amor de bebe) off Digi-Free, but the question was, what to do with them. I had some vague notion of doing something with Diamond's Catfish but...

Then, yesterday, I got this flash of inspiration and decided to send Diamond to the beach. Not that she'd every go to the beach but...that was neither her nor there. Top models - even of the feline variety - need vacations too.

So I combined the kits and added in a photo I'd taken while diving in the Grand Cayman Islands and well, there we were!

I suspect we're going to use this as her Easy like Sunday Morning post this weekend, as she's going to be blogging about her "modeling career" next week for April Fools Day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Silver Screen

Silver Screen
Click on image to enlarge

I always wanted one of those negative thing-a-ma-bobs and now I have one!

After I grayscaled the photos, i went back in and hand colored Diamond's eyes. The green never seems to come out right when I shoot her, and often her eyes seem to match whatever she's wearing.

Like the Grr piece, this uses the "New Beginnings" freebie from Raspberry Road Designs.

What I need to do now, is take a series of shots, and reverse them so that they DO LOOK like negatives!

Bunnykickin' & Hell Raisin'

black cat,Diamond,toys
Click on image to enlarge asked Diamond to review a new cat toy since they didn't have a feline reviewer on their staff. This was the result.

The kit is a freebie from Raspberry Road Designs called Swanky and I'm sure they had no idea it was going to be used this way. The photostack is from Free Digital Scrapbooking, and I didn't use it right because I didn't feel like playing with it. This was just a quick little page to go with the review.

Basically Grr

black cat
Click on image to enlarge

Graciously Grr? I Grr ever gracious? Thursday is Grr-Day (of course) and I HAD a mental image of what I wanted to do with this, but the kit didn't co-operate and so the piece went off in it's own direction. That happens sometimes.

I think the folks at Grr, Midnight and Cocoa are thinking of investing in a frame factory though, since they get a new piece out of me every week. I went and got a top loading scrapbook album at Walgreens to put Diamond's pieces in (at least, the ones I favor enough to print out).

I used the "New Beginnings" freebie from Raspberry Road Designs which is basically a New Year's Kit, but I liked the black and white. On a side note, is having a 50% off sale from now through the end of March, so I could get those Boho kits I've had my eye on and actually do what I wanted to the do for Grr before I got sidetracked...

Baseball Clubhouse Magazine

Baseball Clubhouse Magazine
Click on image to enlarge

I just kind of shipped this up for Lynn's cat and it wasn't really what I wanted. The whole thing was a set template in Photoshop.

I need to sit down and work up a Baseball America template and redo it.

What I WANTED to do was something along the lines of "Major League Power - Reptar shares his work out routine".

Reptar comes every year to Dog Daze at the Fort Myers Miracle game, the only cat to attend the event. He's been coming since he was a six month old kitten.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Pitch

Click on image to enlarge it.

Justin got to throw out the first pitch as a member of the kids' club and it also happened to be Go Red Day in appreciation of the American Heart Association.

So they send him out there with a little girl, an open heart surgery survivor, who was I think a year older than him (five). He was more interested in the little girl, I think than in throwing out the ball.

Justin is also quite the ham and will beg to have his picture taken when I'm around.

If you are thinking the colors look like the current John Deere fad, you'd be right. The kit is a freebie called TwoSoon from Shabby Princess and it was created for the designer's son's second birthday, which was a John Deere themed party.

I'm not thrilled with the tall lettering, but I guess when you're two, being tall is important.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Maysie Baby

Maysie Baby
Click on image to enlarge.

This Quick Page came over as a freebie today on Digi-Free and it was pretty much what I was looking for in regards to Maysie. I only have a couple of shots of my little Poodle, died young. She was very sweet and intelligent and I still miss her very much.

It was created by Bridget at Freebies and Rest. She markets her designs at and this one looks pretty cute.

As I didn't have the kit, I added a couple of things from RetroDiva's Be Mine kit from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies.

Season's Greetings

Season's Greetings
Click on image to enlarge.

I didn't do holiday stuff around the holidays, so I thought I'd throw something together now, just for the heck of it. This utilizes Raspberry Road Designs' Mystic Winter kit (yet another freebie) and was actually kind of fun to put together.

Diamond did a good job posing with the Christmas stuff as well.

Diamond's Domain

Diamond's Domain
Click on image to enlarge.

I started dressing Diamond a year ago and it was touch and go at first. Now she's very co-operative about wearing outfits and modeling most of the time. These party collars are low maintenance bling-bling though, and she'll be wear them around the house for no better reason than because she likes them.

Hard to believe, isn't it?

This piece, much like the Riley's Room one was done using the Baily's Room freebie from Raspberry Roads Designs. Raspberry Roads has some of the nicest freebie kits I've ever seen. If you've never visited them, do so.

Riley's Room

Riley's Room
Click on image to enlarge.

Riley is Rascal's sister, the two kittens were adopted together after they were found abandoned in a park at the end of August, apparently on the day they were born. That makes them the youngest in the five feline crew at Grr, Midnight and Cocoa. Rascal is the only non-House Panther in the group, the token tabby.

She likes to sleep on the heads of people who are sleeping, she also likes to bite on something when she's sleeping...a finger, a bit of blanket...

Grr tries to eat her and stalks her like prey, but she will scream as loudly as possible when Grr attacks her. She sounds exactly like an angry panther, and not like a frightened kitten.

Aside from her Panther roar, she has a very fierce growl and is even more grrrr-ier then Grr, more biteyer than Cocoa and more maddening then Midnight.

I used the Baily's Room freebie from Raspberry Road Designs on this one, which was actually based on a little girl's room, so it seemed very appropriate for a little House Panther.

Formated to 8 x 10 portrait size.

Under the Sea...

Under the Sea
Click to enlarge image

Suddenly, I thought up something I could do with that Beachnut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs.

Check it out, it was a freebie!

I think this was like a 1995 or 1996 trip...beautiful reef. If you ever go diving off Grand Cayman Island, ask your dive captain for it, by name. Do you see the lemon ray? I put the ring frame around it. And Miss Diamond thinks she's a master of camouflage!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wild Beauty

Wild Beauty
Click on image to enlarge

Breeders have come up with Bengals, Ocicats, Toygers and several other breeds, all attempting to capture the beauty of big cats in the wild.

They seem to overlook the fact that we have the natural beauty of the big cats, right here in our naturally occurring House Panthers.

This rather whimsical piece uses Digital Freebies' African Beat Collection. I love the little stampeding elephant. The mask in the upper left hand corner is called "lizard". I felt it appropriate.

Diamond is...

black cat,Diamond
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She's a lot of other things, as you can see from this personality piece.

The photo is from the easter shoot and I started out using the Spring Fling kit from Digital Freebies, picked up some extra bling-bling from Raspberry Road Designs' Baily's Room (I don't know who Baily is, but he or she has some interesting things in their room) and finished up with the weathered alphabets from RetroDiva's Ema kit from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies.

Sweet Emily

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Emily is a 2 year old Domestic Shorthair who lives the rest of The Cats Stephens in Richmond, Virginia. She was a rescue and a pound cat.

She loves playing with her Whirley Bird, or playing Thundering Herd of Elephants with Eliot and Abbie. She likes being up high, preferring to rest at the top of the cat tree or on the upper level of the Cat condo. She does not like being picked up (and I do not much blame her there).

As I mentioned before, while Abbie is the actual House Panther of the group, Emily makes a lovely edition to our Blue Wednesday clan.

I used the Country Chic kit for this from The Five Corners of My Mind, but there's something about the some of the papers that are very large and are difficult to work with on my rather old and very slow computer.

Formated to 8 x 10 in case you're inclined to print it out and frame it.

Take me out to the ball game

black cat,Diamond,baseball
Click on image to enlarge.

Miss Diamond has decided she's a Yankees' fan because the Black and White matches her furs. Although truth be told, she likes hockey better than baseball because more things move around on the TV screen during hockey games.

This used RetroDiva's Ema and Edie co-ordinated mini-kits from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies. I love the colors in this set and while it DID come with it's own lettering, I used the Aged Embossed set from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies because I wanted something bolder.

I had been over to RetroDiva's storefront and have been drooling over their Boho collection. They do some very nice work on their sets.

Oh, yeah, I know the kit has nothing what so ever to do with baseball. I just like playing with the colors.

Little Isis

black cat
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Hush. Don't tell Not the Mama. Although he'll see this soon enough.

What we know of Little Isis: She has VERY big eyes - the better to see dangly things hanging down, she's a kitten, she has one white hair on the top of her head and one on her neck but you have to look very closely, and she helps out Not the Mama at The Wren's Nest.

Like Spooker and the interlopers, she blogs at Purrchance to Dream.

And she makes a very good Halloween cat.

Raspberry Roads Designs' made me very happy by releasing not just one but TWO alphabet sets to go along with their Wild Kingdom collection, and, if this piece did not turn out exactly as I had envisioned it in my mind, it came very close.

It's designed to 8 x 10 landscape and yes, little Isis is a very beautiful little cat!

Huggy Bear

black cat
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I used to have a little black female cat named Eclipse who was a fluffy female House Panther. I had her for several years after I got out of high school, but when I decided to move to Florida, I felt it would be better to find her a new family than relocate her across country. So she went to a family that my mom worked with, and I understand was very happy there, having developed a strong attachment to their teen aged girl.

I have a thing for fluffy cats anyway, but black (or white) ones have a special place in my heart. So naturally, I'm extremely fond of Jeni and Dean's Huggy Bear who lives with Jasper McKitten Cat. The fact that he looks very huggily on top of being large and black and fluffy only makes matters worse.

Huggy Bear was part of a litter of four that was rescued in November of 2004. He went through several named - Bullet, Baby Bear - before they settled on Huggy Bear. He was put out for adoption like the rest of the siblings, but when he was not picked it become too much for Jasper's family and they brought him home from Pets, Inc.

Three and a half years later, he's turned into quite the fellow.

This I just the Jonathan freebie mini-kit from Flutter Expressions. The Flowers are from another freebie, the Country Chic kit from Five Corners of my Mind. I know that flowers aren't considered very masculine, but cats and flowers sort of go together, and I'm sure Huggy Bear would agree that flowers are in fact very Mancatly. The lettering is from Shabby Princess' Two Soon kit.

I had first done this piece and was unhappy with it:

black cat
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I had downloaded the Jonathan mini-kit from Flutter Expressions that I was going to do Huggy Bear with, but I couldn't find where the paper and elements had extracted to. So I ended up doing a miss-mash will elements from several diffent kits including Digital Freebies's Strong Shoes and the Country Chic kit from Five Corners of my Mind, but was unhappy with it.

The red lettering, like many of my Alphabets is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Both are done to 8 x 10 size for printing and framing.

black cat,photoshop
Click on image to enlarge

Huggy Bear was previously featured on House Panthers on March 6, 2008, so I'm not sure when I'm going to use either of these pieces on that forum.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holiday Happiness

black cat,Diamond,Christmas
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I had no intention of doing a Christmas themed piece today, but Digi-Free pulled up a couple of Beachside themed kits and I thought I might be able to do something with the Catfish shots. That didn't really pan out - yet, but in looking for those shots I found the ones of Miss Diamond opening her presents and well, I had Shabby Princess' Holiday Magic Mini-kit on hand and one thing sort of lead to another.

Fast and easy.

Happy Easter

black cat,spring,Easter,Diamond
Click on image to enlarge.

The Hippy Hop kit by Karen Lewis has both Alphabets and word art included plus the cute little puffy bunny sticker. This made use of the word art, a very pensive look on Miss Diamond's face, and three shots of the Eastern Village that I bought this year at Walgreens.

I probably way over use this layout, but I almost always get a nice result out of it. This ended up looking pretty good, although the ribbon on the left is a little off from the picture. I really need to get a nice big monitor to work with. ::sigh::

The kit is for sale in the Digital Freebies boutique.

Nicky Nightime

black cat,spring
Click on image to enlarge.

Nicky is one of the cats I've been trying to track down. His link on House Panthers says Kelly, but it leads nowhere. That would make sense, as they blog off blogger.

Nicky turned 7-years-old last October. He was adopted as a kitten and has lived with his family since. Upon moving in, he immediately tried to take over the household, but Kelly still refuses to bow down to him.

He is very protective of his family who writes that "People may associate with dogs the words 'loyal,' 'faithful,' and 'brave,' but these qualities also apply to our little black cat. He also plays fetch, he growls when the doorbell rings, and sometimes he even howls in the middle of the night for no apparent reason."

My mom says that cats are much more loyal, brave and faithful than dogs, but that they always get mislabeled as sneaky, cruel and aloof by people who do not understand them. Perhaps they need to hire better public relations people?

Sometimes called “El Gatito Perfecto”, this good cat blogs at It's all Good. He also does Midnight Monday on a regular basis, even if he never posts links for us.

As he's being featured on Easter Sunday, I at least wanted to go with a spring theme for him, so this is using Digital Freebies' Spring Fling kit (Melanie Ann Designs). The gel alphabets are a freebie from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

This was done to an 8 x 10 portrait format. I love the colors on it, but then, I'm partial to purple, black and blue.

Bunny Tasty?

spring,Easter,black cat,Diamond
Click on image to enlarge.

I started working on another page using the Hippy Hop kit, but my computer had issues and terminated the program. So...I went back to Bunny Tracks (see above) and made use of the bunny background because I'd had this moment of inspiration.

This is pretty much what Diamond would do if she ever saw a bunny, track it and try to eat it. So it sort of fits. In fact, any Bad Kitty Cat worth his or her weight in kitty litter should be out looking for that rabbit tonight.

I thought about entering in the Easter Contest at Pikapet, but the bunny lovers will take issue over it, I'm sure. It's fun and I rather like it. It's my favorite so far, and I'll likely print it to send to my mom. She gets a kick out of them, and no longer thinks I'm torturing the nice kitty cat by dressing her up because, well...she's so cute!

Egging you on

Click on image to enlarge.

My Funny Bunny by Danielle Engebretson Designs is available from Digital Freebies. I like the elements in this one, especially the eggs. I think an easter kit should have eggs in it. The silk flowers are also very nice.

And the look on Diamond's face in that top right hand shot is just precious.

The top two photos were taken with my Nikon. After I topped paying attention to her, she went behind her Easter Village and laid down and I couldn't resist, I snapped quite a few more shots with the digital, which is where the bottom one came from. She ended up falling asleep back there and she's back there now, actually.

The colors in the kit are great - very vivid. No alphabets, so I made do without.

Pretty Kitty

Pretty Kitty
Click on image to enlarge.

This was the first of the Easter pages...I have quite a bit of material to work with since Miss Diamond was most co-operative about having her photo taken. This is with her pink "kitten" which is a Beanie Baby named Curtsy.

I was not all that happy with this one, that used the Bunny Tracks kit (Maria LaFrance) from Digital Freebies, one of three Easter kits I purchased last night. This goes with their freebie for the week, with is a quick page layout using this kit.

The chocolate lettering is a freebie from Free Digital Scrapbooking. I wasn't all the happy with the way it turned out. While I like the frame, it's just not working here. The set however, does have some fun stuff in it (like those glitter splats!)

Pretty Polar

Pretty Polar
Click on image to enlarge.

Despite the start of baseball, spring is not one of my favorite times of the year, so I guess I'm not quite ready for winter to be over.

These polar bears were shot in the summer in Buffalo, New York, at the zoo there.

I used elements from a variety of sources on this one. The snowflakes, lettering, and ribbons are all from Free Digital Scrapbooking, the background is from Shabby Princess' Moody Blues kit, while the white brads are from their Urban Kiwi kit. I think the blue brads came from one of Raspberry Road Designs' freebie kits - Bailly's Room, I think it was.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Harper Abigail Stephens

Harper Abilgail Stephens
Click on image to enlarge.

While Abbie (Harper Abigail Stephens) is technically the House Panther in the Cats Stephens gang, but Emily and Eliot are good candidates for Blue Wednesday.

Abbie became a Stephens in March of 2007 and celebrated her first Gotcha Day at the beginning of the month. She was adopted for PetSmart, mainly as a companion for Eliot. Evidently Emily is not really friendly and Percy is a little on in years. She likes to bit feet, especially if she's being ignored, and she likes to start fights with Eliot, then act like he's hurting her. Unfortunately, just about everyone has caught onto this ploy.

She is long haired Panther with a very long body and tail that are both low to the ground giving her a kind of ferret look.

There have been a lot of changes recently in the Cats Stephens household and they do not blog as actively as they did, but you can find Abbie and Company at The Cats Stephens.

Please stop by and leave a note for Percy as well, who has non-metastasized nerve sheath sarcoma and will likely have to have surgery to remove a couple of toes. The are picking up a referral to take him to see a specialist at a hospital in Virginia .

Percy Badge
Image by Zoolatry

Friday is also Freebie Friday and Abbie's page was created using the Red Velvet Mini Kit Freebie from Element by Design. I should note that it took forever to download, but the colors are fabulous. Alpha by Free Digital Scrapbooking.

The piece was designed to an 8 x 10 page, and should print and frame well. I just hung a couple of Miss Diamond in my office - ah, cute cat! Everyone around here just adores her.