Lupus erythematosus is a name given to a collection of autoimmune diseases in which the human immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissues.[1] Symptoms of these diseases can affect many different body systems, including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. The most common and severe form is systemic lupus erythematosus.
Symptoms vary from person to person, and may come and go. Almost everyone with lupus has joint pain and swelling. Some develop arthritis. Frequently affected joints are the fingers, hands, wrists, and knees. Other common symptoms include:
* chest pain when taking a deep breath
* Joint pain
* Oral ulcer
* fatigue
* fever with no other cause
* general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling (malaise)
* hair loss
* sensitivity to sunlight
* skin rash – a "butterfly" rash in about half people with SLE
* swollen lymph nodes
For more information on this disease, please visit the Lupus Foundation of America at lupus.org.
The theme for this kit was more or less lifted right off their website with the "Help us solve the cruel mystery".
It's a CSI themed kit and comes with 12 .jpg papers and 25 .png elements to help you do a bit of sluething.
Included in the kit are 2 bows, 2 frames, 2 ribbons, 1 awareness ribbon, 1 bullet, 1 bullet holes, 1 crime scene tape, 1 CSI Guy badge, 1 evidence bag, 1 evidence markers, 1 evidence tag, 1 finger print powder, 1 forensic team ID, 1 gun, 1 house plant, 1 latex glove, 1 microscope, 1 search for a cure word art, 1 shoe prints, 1 slide, 1 swab, and 1 vial.
300 DPI. Personal use only please.

Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.
If you know someone who is interested in this kit , please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.
Plus I already pay for premium download service so you don't have to wait for your freebies, and the links stay here FOREVER, so you don't have to put this kit anywhere else to share it, just link to this post.
To download from MediaFire, click one of the buttons below:

If you enjoyed this freebie, please take a moment to vote for Digi!

Click on the blinkie to vote!
Please be sure to visit all of the rest of the stops on this train and see what everyone else is doing and grab the freebies they have for you along the way! And don't forget to leave some love when you download. Your thanks are the fuel that keeps these blog trains running! Note that we are all on different time zones, so if someone does not have their part up when you visit, just stop back a little later.
Dea’s Design
Dreamn4Ever Designs
KJD designs
Rhonda B. Studio
Shuckclod’s Stuff
Tamara F. Designs
DBTL FB Page(click bonus)

Hi, Sorry to bother you! LOVE your website! I was trying to follow this blog train, But Tamara F. Designs has the wrong link up on her blog (it links to the download for the O'Scrap blog train).. I was hoping you had a way of contacting her...I cannot find a way to contact her. Thank you so much!
Beautiful colors!!! Amazing kit!!! Love the finger print powder, bullet, gun, and glove!!! The are beautiful!!! The bullet hole, evidence bag, marker, crime tape, and all the other crime scene collection items are splendid!!!! The papers are gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
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