Sunday, May 30, 2010

New from Digicats (& Dogs): In the Jungle

In the Jungle

For the Barbarian Queen in you, the Warrior Princess, the Lioness, comes a hot new jungle fantasy themed taggers kit.

25 (800 x 800 pixel, .jpg) papers and 108 .png element allow your signature tags to ROAR! Included in the kit are 3 beautiful Warrior Princess posers from ©Perfect Posers, as well as...

10 frames, 5 bows, 5 furry fibers, 5 metallic strings, 5 parchments, 5 tags, 4 grasses, 4 leaves, 4 palm trees, 3 butterflies, 3 feathers, 3 Frangipani, 3 Hibiscus, 3 Orchids, 3 stone curls, 3 vines, 2 gold rush bling, 2 ivy, 2 leafy things, 2 mushrooms, 2 parrots, 2 pythons, 2 Tiki, 2 torches, 2 tree frogs, 2 vine swirls, 1 archway, 1 boulder, 1 diamond rain, 1 fern, 1 Lioness, 1 Marguay, 1 Ocelot, 1 Panther, 1 rainbow, 1 Serval, 1 shield, 1 skull, 1 sun, 1 tree stump, and 1 vase.

300 DPI. Personal Use Only.

In the Jungle is Available at:

Inspiration of Scrapfriends Blinkie  Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie
Digi Graphic Designs Blinkie  Wilma4Ever Blinkie
Digi Divas Blinkie

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Unnatural Thoughts

Unnatural Thoughts

Check out this hot new tutorial from Sarah at Concrete Angelz Tuts using my new Atomic Dawn taggers kit. She's also using one of my favorite tubes, the Lana 1 tube by Sky Scraps.

You can try this tutorial at

But wait...there's more....

Just released....

Guilt Preview

You know what happened. You were there. Of course you were. You know exactly what happened. But where you the only one? Did someone else see? Is someone else watching you? Who else knows? Who else suspects? Just tell me one thing...


Guilt it a kit for those who have done something wrong and know it. It weighs on your mind. It eats at your composure. Soon you're sure everyone knows. Everyone is watching you.

20 Gothic (800 x 800 pixel, .jpg) papers that are sure to make you look over your shoulder, plus 101 darkly paranoid .png graphics, to help you work out those feeling weighting heavily on your mind.

300 DPI, Personal use only.

Available at:

Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie photo FC_MysticalDesignerBlinkiejpg.gif

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vision Serpent tutorial

Temple of Quetzalcoatl

I've been a little tardy getting this tutorial up, in part because I have to write something to go with it. But it's another great tutorial from the hard working Tagcatz, this time using my Temple of Quetzalcoatl taggers kit.

Click on the blinkie below to go to Tagcatz blog. You can try the tutorial at

Tagcatz Blinkie

Pretty soon I'm gonna have to be like Jess and open my own Creative Team blog. LOL. In the meantime....

Debbie had asked if I follow the Toltec Way or the Mayan Prophecies. The answer, in brief, is no. Many, many years ago, we had a week's worth of the Mayan Prophies in my Occult Sciences class, and I've brushed up against them here and there over the years, but I've never been a serious student of them.

The Toltecs were an ancient culture chiefly located in what is now the pyramid ruins of Teotihuacan in the high midlands of Mexico. In a tradition that dates back thousands of years and continues today, the Toltec were known throughout Mexico as men and women of knowledge. One interpretation of the word Toltec is artist. They considered the manner in which you lived your life as your art, thus the Toltec way was not a religion but more accurately a way of life.

To be a serious student of the Toltec way, you not only have to study it, you have to live it as well.

The Mayan Prophecies focus on the 2012 phenomenon, which comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012, which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed, but none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship.

A New Age interpretation of this transition posits that during this time, Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios posited for the end of the world include the Earth's collision with a passing planet (often referred to as "Nibiru") or black hole, or the arrival of the next solar maximum.

I think my ex would probably believe that the "aliens that left us here" (no, don't ask) will be coming back in 2012, but I'll leave it at that.

So far we've already survived the Y2K bug - kind of let down wasn't it? - and doomologists have been predicting the end of the world for ages, but we're still around.

I would imagine if we're going to get eaten by a black hole, science will give a fair warning, but...who knows?

Right now, with the way my life has been going, I'm just trying to get through one day at time. I'll worry about December 21, 2012, when it gets a little closer. ;)

New from Digicats (& Dogs): Because the Night

A number of designers of late have been releasing what I consider to be "Halloween" kits as opposed to Goth kits. To my mind, there is a huge difference between good Goth and Halloween. But I like Halloween, so I figured...what the heck....

Because the Night (Taggers) Preview

Love Vampires? Sorry, this is not a scary, sparkly Eddie the Stalker kit, but it is a great little kit themed for Vampires. And of course, it'll work great for your goth tags too!

Because the Night is composed of 12 (800 x 800 pxl, .png) papers and 71 elements including 2 "Sexy Leather" posers by ©Diseñando Scraps.

You are also getting 5 bows, 5 frames, 5 mesh, 5 metallic strings, 3 charms, 3 mystic blings, 3 scull bags, 3 tags, 2 Bottles, 2 coffins, 2 collars, 2 crosses, 2 flowers, 2 gates, 2 masks, 2 scrunched ribbons, 1 barbed wire, 1 black flower, 1 blood splatter, 1 bloody hearts, 1 brooch, 1 brothers, 1 cemetery sign, 1 cloak, 1 crow, 1 dead bush, 1 glass flower, 1 gravestone, 1 magic orb, 1 mist, 1 moon, 1 mystic stories, 1 rose, 1 scroll, 1 skull line, 1 streetlight, and 1 winged cat.

300 DPI. Personal use only please.

Because the Night   Because the Night

Sorry! This kit has been retired and is now available for FREE HERE!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New from Digicats (& Dogs): Firecracker


We call them Firecrackers, those Americans born on the 4th of July. Whether your a firecracker or not, you'll have a lot of fun with his patriotic taggers kit with a twist.

Done in bright neon colors, you get 30 explosive (800 x 800 pxl, .jpg) papers and 105 .png elements including 3 "Neonie" posers by Perfect Posers.

Also included in the kit are: 10 bows, 10 frames, 6 flowers, 5 boots, 5 dog tags, 5 fireworks, 5 ribbons, 5 rockets, 4 charms, 3 bottle caps, 3 brads, 3 butterflies, 3 eagles, 3 hot air balloons, 3 star chains, 3 sunglasses, 2 bling curtains, 2 cupcakes, 2 motorcycles, 2 parchments, 2 star clusters, 2 star curtains, 2 star rings, 2 word arts, 1 American Eagle ring, 1 banner, 1 carousel horse, 1 donut, 1 flagpole, 1 flag, 1 hat, 1 patriotic 4th, 1 star spill, and 1 vote banner.

300 DPI. Personal use only.

Firecracker   Firecracker

Firecracker is available at:

Inspiration of Scrapfriends Blinkie  Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie
Digi Graphic Designs Blinkie  Wilma4Ever Blinkie
Digi Divas Blinkie

Monday, May 24, 2010

Betrayal Tutorial


Jessica of Gothic Inspirations has done a hot new tutorial using my Betrayal taggers kit.

You can try the tutorial at Gothic Inspirations Tutorials.


You can find Betrayal exclusively at Scraps and the City, where it's 35% off until 30 June, 2010.

Scraps and the City Blinkie

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New from Digicats (& Dogs): Dark Continent

Mandy and Rainy Day Jo where wondering why all the taggers kits had female posers. I pointed out that most taggers were female, and so we sort of identified with the posers or artwork we were using. However, just to make them happy comes another "beefcake" taggers kit! ;)

The kit title is derived from a 19th century expression previously used to describe Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa. As little was known about the continent's interior geography, map-makers would often leave this region dark - hence "The Dark Continent".

Dark Continent Preview

Taken from his home as a child, chained and forced to fight, the warrior has won free and returns now to the land of his birth. What future awaits for him, on the Dark Continent?

This is a beautiful African-fantasy taggers kit with 20 (800 x 800 pxl, .jpg) papers and 96 beautiful elements including 3 "Barbarian" posers by (c)Perfect Poser.

Also included are 10 frames, 5 frangipani, 5 hibiscus, 5 raffia bows, 5 ropes, 5 tags, 4 ferns, 4 grass, 4 masks, 4 palm trees, 3 birds, 3 butterflies, 3 leaves, 3 pythons, 2 elephants, 2 parchments, 2 rusted chains, 2 vines, 1 charm, 1 cheetah, 1 collar, 1 drum, 1 giraffe mask, 1 giraffe, 1 Gothic flames, 1 iron star, rusted, 1 jaguar, 1 metal pitcher, 1 monkey, 1 panther brooch, 1 pillar, 1 shield, 1 skull alter, 1 skull, 1 skull pile, 1 sun, 1 tiger, 1 torn cardboard, 1 vase, and 1 white elephant.

Let your imagination take flight as you follow the warrior into the heart of darkest Africa.

300 DPI. Personal use only please.

Dark Continent is available at:

Inspiration of Scrapfriends Blinkie  Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie photo FC_MysticalDesignerBlinkiejpg.gif

And trust me when I say, your SO wants a hot looking tag for his siggies as well! LOL!

Dark Continent

Night Train Tutorial

Night Train

Hot new tutorial from Tagcatz using my Night Train taggers kit. Linda says she's not really good with Goth, but I love what she did with this one!

Click on the blinkie below to visit Tagcatz blog. You can try this tutorial at


Night Train is available at:

Inspiration of Scrapfriends Blinkie  Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie photo FC_MysticalDesignerBlinkiejpg.gif

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New from Digicats: Betrayal


Money talks, and everything else walks. Friendship, loyalty, years of service, all fall aside when the great God Money speaks. Betrayal is a taggers kit for all those who have had their hearts broken, their loyalties destroyed, their lives torn apart, all for the sake of material gain.

20 (800 x 800 pxl, .jpg) industrial themed papers and 100 .png elements for your tagging pleasure.

Included in the kit are 10 frames, 5 bows, 5 flowers, 5 parchment, 5 ribbons, 4 tags, 3 cash stashes, 3 charms, 2 blood splatters, 2 boots, 2 bullets, 2 cuffs, 2 gears, 2 gold bling, 2 hats, 2 money clips, 2 pairs of Dice, 2 poker chips, 2 puzzle pieces, 2 rings, 2 spiders, 2 stitched hearts, 2 word arts,  1 Aces, 1 Black Book, 1 bottle of Scotch, 1 briefcase, 1 broken heart, 1 bullet cluster, 1 charm bracelet, 1 coins, 1 corset, 1 cracked heart, 1 credit card, 1 dollar bling, 1 butterfly bling, 1 dripping heart, 1 eight ball, 1 hand gun, 1 key, 1 lights, 1 Mercedes, 1 metal mask, 1 pool table, 1 roulette wheel, 1 shot, 1 sin city tape, 1 skull, 1 smoke, 1 stabbed heart, 1 star charms, 1 switchblade, and 1 tommy gun.

300 DPI. Personal Use only.

Available exclusively at:

Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie

The Root of all Evil


Another sneak peek for you all. This one will be exclusive to Scraps and the City.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pirate's Booty Tutorial


Another Magsnificant tut from Maggie at Magsnificant Tuts! This time she is using my Blood Red Sea Taggers kit.

You can try the tutorial at Magnificent Tuts.

Blood Red Sea is available at both of my stores.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's the end of the world (as we know it)...

Atomic Dawn

In a post Holocaust world, what will life be like? Will any survive?

Step into the future with this dynamic taggers kit consisting of 20 beautiful yet thoughtful papers, and 105 intriguing elements.

Included are 10 frames, 5 bows, 5 flowers, 5 mesh, 5 metallic strings, 5 mushrooms, 5 strings, 5 tags, 4 bullets, 4 canisters, 3 barbed wire, 3 crosses, 3 danger signs, 3 electric rushes, 3 glass arrows, 3 metal borders, 2 brads, 2 chaotic elements, 2 high voltage signs, 2 lightnings, 2 mystic blings, 2 plants, 2 skulls, 2 weeds, 1 brooch, 1 flying ravens, 1 gun, 1 lantern, 1 light beam, 1 metal coffin, 1 mist, 1 planet, 1 rat, 1 RIP Earth, 1 rusted chain, 1 rusted lock, 1 scorpion, 1 star lily, 1 streetlights, 1 tombstone, 1 toxic rain, and 1 truck.

300 DPI. Personal use only.

Atomic Dawn is available at:

Mystical Scraps Designer Blinkie photo FC_MysticalDesignerBlinkiejpg.gif

Atomic Dawn


Jess recently held another tut gone wrong competition and Sarah really got me going with her Beauty of the Atomic Wasteland tag. So I'm back to urban blight again.

Besides it suites my current mood.

Radioactive 1

This kit is going to be exclusive to Mystical Scraps and is called Atomic Dawn. The posers are from Sky Scraps'Damiana 1 pack and will not be included in the kit.

Radioactive 2

Not sure when this will get finished, probably by this weekend. So keep an eye out!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Digi's Trinket Trove

I had some down time, internet wise late last week, so I put it to good use and went through one of my trinket boxes with my digital camera. I should have done this BEFORE I did the Metallica kit as found this great Metallica pin I forgot I had. LOL.

Kit Preview,Commercial Use

So my second CU grab bag is now in stores. Most of it is taggers size, the tribal necklace is large tagger size. I don't have a macro on my camera, so when I try to get in closer the items blur out. So we're stuck with taggers.

Oh. You want to know what's IN it? Oh. Okay.

Commercial Use

Inside this lovely brown paper bag are 2 wolf's head charms, 2 small pewter skulls, 1 Anubis pendant, 1 cat brooch, 1 cobra pendant, 1 Eye of Horus charm, 1 Metallica pin, 1 panther brooch, 1 rose ring, 1 ruin stone, 1 silver ring, 1 skull pin, and 1 tribal necklace.

300 DPI. CU Okay. No credit required.

Please read and abide by my Terms of use.

Get Digi's Trinket Trove at:

Sophisti-Scrap Blinkies
TCB Blinkie

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ride the Lightning


An awesome tag from Elizabeth using my Metallica kit. I'm a little lost though as she never sent the link through for the tutorial and I don't see it on her blog.

You can visit Elizabeth on the web by clicking the blinkie below:
