Ishona made the comment on the Scrappetizing designers list that she'd been very bad about updating her blog. I have to join her in the bad bloggers corner, as I have a ton of stuff to catch up on.
Let's start with the new releases shall we?
Freedom's Ring
I was feeling rather patriotic and wanted to do something in red, white and blue. That's the great thing about America, you don't need a season or a holiday to go out and wave a flag if you feel like it. No one is going to stop you if you want to put on some Sousa and march around your yard.
So 30 wonderfully brilliant red, white and BOOM papers (800 x 800, .jgp) and 128 elements including two gorgeous Patriotic posers by ©Sinful Mindz.
Liberate your tags with these 10 frames, 10 tags, 10 bling flowers, 9 tulips, 5 bows, 5 curled ribbons, 5 doodle gems, 5 fireworks, 5 garlands, 5 knot bows, 5 ribbons, 5 rockets, 5 word arts, 4 balloons, 4 eagles, 4 flairs, 2 brackets, 2 city scapes, 2 flag bows, 2 flag doodles, 2 heart doodles, 2 shield doodles, 2 sparklers, 2 Uncle Sam's Hat, 1 bunting, 1 butterfly bling, 1 fan, 1 fireworks & stars rope, 1 flag brad, 1 flag button, 1 flag ribbon, 1 flag streamer, 1 hat, 1 Liberty Bell, 1 medal, 1 post card, 1 star spill, and 1 stars on a chain.
300 DPI. Personal use only.
The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt is an ancient folk myth prevalent across Northern, Western and Central Europe. The fundamental premise in all instances is the same: a phantasmal group of huntsmen with the accouterments of hunting, horses, hounds, etc., in mad pursuit across the skies or along the ground, or just above it.
The hunters may be the dead, or of the fairies. The hunter may be an unidentified lost soul, a deity or spirit of either gender, or may be a historical or legendary figure like Dietrich of Berne, the Danish king Valdemar Atterdag, Woden, or Arawn.
It's been one of my favorite myths for a long time, so given the chance I chose it as the topic of my new Gothic Inspirations kit, as we tackle the Celtic (and Welsh) lands of the dead.
You can unleash the hounds of hell for yourself with this beautiful Gothic themed Celtic kit. 20 (800 x 800, .jpg) paper and 110 elements including 3 "Rudolph" posers from ©Perfect Posers.
You're also getting 10 frames, 8 bows, 8 ribbons, 5 Celtic bronze, 4 candles, 4 curled ribbon, 4 flowers, 4 horned skulls, 4 mesh backdrops, 4 mushrooms, 4 tags, 4 trees, 3 apples, 3 rainbows, 3 rings, 3 standing stones, 3 vines, 2 brooch, 2 clover bouquet, 2 dragonfly charms, 2 fog, 2 gargoyles, 2 heraldic shields, 2 horses, 2 lightning, 2 moons, 2 mystic bling, 1 beaded river, 1 Book of Kells, 1 book of the dead, 1 brazier, 1 butterfly bling, 1 butterfly, 1 Cauldron of Dagda, 1 charm, 1 crow, 1 gem, 1 glitter doodle, 1 gold coins, 1 hell hound, 1 horseshoe, 1 potion bottle, 1 shamrock, 1 skull dagger, 1 sword, and 1 throne.
Mind the call of Arawn's horn and join us for the Wild Hunt!
300 DPI. Personal use only.
Both kits are available at:

A Spring Garden
A Spring Garden is all about showers and flowers, from the thunders storms of early March, to the gentle breezes and fragrant blooms of May. And to finish it all off, just a hint of fairy goodness.
You are getting 20 "weather" papers (800 x 800, .jpg) and 110 Elements. Step into the garden and you'll find 10 frames, 10 ribbons, 5 bows, 5 flowers, 5 tags, 5 watercolor flowers, 4 butterflies, 4 storm clouds, 3 daisies, 3 painted trees, 3 peonies, 3 rainbows, 3 tools, 2 blue jays, 2 ducks, 2 garden aprons, 2 garden gloves, 2 hanging drops, 2 ivy, 2 lightning, 2 rain curtains, 2 spring grass, 2 whimsical clouds, 1 archway, 1 birdbath, 1 birdhouse, 1 daisies cluster, 1 diamond rain, 1 garden hose, 1 garden snake, 1 gazebo, 1 lamp, 1 mailbox, 1 old wagon, 1 pansies, 1 park bench, 1 rake, 1 seed pack, 1 shovel, 1 sparkles, 1 spring ivy, 1 sun, 1 trellis, 1 umbrella, 1 watering can, 1 wishing well, and 4 "Pony" posers by ©Perfect Posers (
Everything an avid gardener could wish for. The best part? No weeds!
So sit back, and watch your garden bloom! 300 DPI. Personal use only!
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