Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Cat Blogging #231

Weekend Cat Blogging

Vine Line

Got Box?

Oh Hai! Sir Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail here! As you can see, I have finally found a box that fits my mancatly physic. As a mancat, I have found that it is important to have a box big enough to accommodate your mancatliness. Plus it really impresses the lady cats!

Got Box?

The Demon Cat and I are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this weekend here at Digicats. Got a cat related post? Leave a comment below with a link to be included in our Sunday Round Up!

Vine Line

My friend, and fellow Floridian, Ms. Ginger is an avid scrapbooker. She is also an innercity Kindergarten teacher. Every year she tries to get 100 post cards for her class by the 100th day of school.

If you could help, and send her a postcard from where ever you are in the world, it would be greatly appreciated. The kids love getting these cards, especially from distant places like England, Germany and Austrialia that they'll probably never get to see in their lifetime.

The address to send your cards to is:

Ms. Brown's Class
Greynolds Park Elementary
1536 N.E. 179th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

You can visit Ms. Ginger on the web at:

Thanks so much for helping out!


GLOGIRLY said...

Hey Digicats!

We've always got something cat-related and cool going on at

Have a great blogging weekend!
Katie & Glogirly

Ingrid said...

Boxes are the best beds !

catsynth said...

That box does look like a good fit for Tristan.
And we really like that graphic on the top (cat woman + black cat). Very nicely done!

Here is our WCB for this week:

Unknown said...

here is our link
thanks for hosting!

pam said...

That does look like the perfect box!

Here is my WCB:

Judi said...

Jules likes to pose for the camera and can be seen here:

Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Kaz's Cats said...

Here is our WCB post for this weekend:

We'll get Mum to send a postcard on our behalf to Ms Ginger.

We love how you cats always have such cool pics on your blogs.


Gypsy & Tasha

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Thanks for hosting WCB! Here's my link:

What a comfortable box!

