Was it Mrs. Peacock in the conservatory with the lead pipe? Or perhaps it was Prof. Plum with the rope in the Billiard Room? Whatever the crime, who ever the suspect, you're sure to catch them with the help of Metro CSI.
This crime scene themed digital taggers kit packs all the latest technology you'll need in catching your criminal. 20 .jpg paper and 100 .png elements, including 2 "Yes Officer" posers by (c)Scraps by Roo to bring the miscreants in to justice.
No game boards or weapon cards here, but you will find 10 frames, 5 bows, 5 ribbons, 5 tags, 4 flowers, 3 chalk outlines, 3 evidence markers, 3 handcuffs, 2 badges, 2 barricades, 2 blood splatters, 2 bullet holes, 2 evidence bags, 2 flashers, 2 grasses, 2 guns, 2 metal borders, 2 palm trees, 2 police hats, 2 police lines, 1 assault knife, 1 bagged blood, 1 biohazard sign, 1 blood sample, 1 brad, 1 foliage, 1 bullets, 1 camera, 1 chicken wire, 1 clip board, 1 clip, 1 crime scene, 1 drugs, 1 envelope, 1 evidence flag, 1 evidence, 1 fingerprint card, 1 hand print, 1 magnifying glass, 1 microscope, 1 nightstick, 1 paper clip, 1 paramedic, 1 post it note, 1 print brush, 1 sample, 1 sample tube, 1 scalpel, 1 squad car, 1 staple, 1 streetlight, 1 sun, 1 swab kit, 1 switchblade, 1 syringes, and 1 tape.
300 DPI. Personal use only.

Five gray scale overlays themed for urban graffiti. Both full size (3600 x 3600 pixels) and tagger size (800 x 800 pixels) .jpg overlays are included in the zip.
Commercial use friendly. Credit is not required, but it is appreciated. 300 DPI.
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