Twisted Gray

The "Lil Grey" chibi is (c) by Krissy's Scraps. I used the "Toxic" taggers kit from Soxsational Scraps for the tag material. It seemed like a natural fit, but didn't work out that way. I ended up fighting to get a descent look. I'm not overly pleased, but in the end, I'm not displeased either.
Razor Wire

The "Lil Rebel" chibi is (c) by Krissy's Scraps - all the "LiL" series in this post are by her. The scraps are from the "Twilight" taggers kit by Grunge and Glitter which she says was inspired by the books/movies. Interestingly enough, there isn't a heart to be found in the kit and given the subject matter, I found that odd.
So I used a mask, I believe it was from Wee Scots Lass, to put a heart in the background. In the the end, I love the way this turned out, although Sisters of Mercy's "Ribbons" kept playing in the back of my mind while I was doing it, for some strange reason.
Lil Drummer Girl

I'm using the "Lil Rebel" chibi again. This time the scraps are from Honored Scraps' "Rock It, Roll It" taggers kit. I think this is a new release for them, but I got it for a buck during the Christmas sale at Treasured Scraps. There was a Digital Embellishment tube set I wanted that was 37 cents, and I hate to do paypal for less then a buck, so I snagged this kit while I was at it.
It also struck me as a little ironic to be doing this tag with this kit, as I've got the Blue Rocker and Pink Rocker kits from Krissy and probably should have used her own scrap kits with her chibi. Oh well. It was more an excuse to play with the "Rock it, Roll it" kit, which in the end I figure I'll use on and off with Sir Tristan.
Sweet Lil Gothling

The "Lil Gothling" chibi is (c) by Krissy's Scraps (of course) while the scraps are from "The Sweet Goths Sanctuary" taggers kit by Chaos Priestess. It's an interesting kit that has more of a fairy tale feel to it. I'll have to try it with some of the fairy posers I got from Shelly.
So, now that I've done the Gothic end of things, I'll turn my attention over to the sweet end of things.