Polar Friends

Please note that all the Fairies are (c) by Carolyn McComas, a.k.a. Ratmomma.
The scraps are from the "Fairy Dreams in the winter" taggers kit by Urban Mermaid. I had to cut the little polar bear away from the big one and then rearrange them to get it to work in this tag. My cutting was a little off, and so the baby polar bear sort of looks like a bison.
I tend to get shaky for no apparent reason and while I do take drugs for it, they don't always seem to work. Evidently my Aunt suffers from the same disorder. They can't find a cause, so they can't really cure it either.

Sorry, no clever titles. I actually named the files decfairy1, 2, & 3 so that tells you how original I was being.
The scraps are from the "Winter Warmth" and "Christmas Around the World" collabs, in both cases the designer was Creations by Jo, as I'm using her parts as stand alone mini-kits. The bling ornaments are from Toni's Scraparoni and the Winter Alpha is from Andjelina's Designs.
"Winter Warmth" is the collab from Creative Scraps. I have it set up as a collab kit, but then I have the parts for my favorite designers in their own folders as mini-kits under the Designer's folder. (My files are separated by Designer, with additional folders for alphas, various elements, kits, and seasonal stuff from designers I don't usually frequent.)

The scraps in this tag are from Soxsational Scraps from her Ho!Ho!Ho! FTU taggers kit. I used none of the clip art included in the kit. The snowflakes are from her CU pack, I left the blue ones out as they didn't fit the color scheme of the tag.
The gold alpha is from Andjelina Designs.
If you're working with Poser, be sure to check out Carolyn's House of Ratz for Poser, as she's doing texture and clothing development, and you can pick some stuff up from her blog for free.
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