I've never been in the Armed Services and as far as that goes, the family members that have were all squids, including my dad who served in WWII.
However, I had these Elite Force posers hanging about from Untamed Angel (not to mention the GI Babe one), and Aussie Scraps (the designer) released a Camouflage kit for a buck that I picked up and that kind of set me off.
Duty and Honor

The Camouflage Collab as she calls it, is very simple though and most of the elements are clip art - 2 helmets, a backpack, a tent - along those lines. It does come with some word art, which is used in this piece as well.
I don't think the Elite Force posers are really ARMY, but they seemed to work pretty will with the Military theme.
Anyway, I then remembered the Private Blingjamen kit from Toni's Scraparoni and went back and picked it up. Toni was selling at CiLM and they recently canceled her contract. So she moved over to Designer Scraps which is what brought her collections to my notice.
If nothing else, she's picked up a new customer in the move. Let's hope she's not lost any.
Army Glitz

Bling! Bling! I mean, really, isn't that wonderful. Look at all the glitter and glitz. Heh!
In looking through her blog earlier today (it's dead at work, I'm kind of trickling out the letters I have to write) I noticed she was responsible for the western themed Cow Chips kit which I'd forgotten about. I should have that on CD somewhere too.
Lady Killer

I think these are the wrong kind of revolvers, but what do I know? Both Camo Alphas are from Free Digital Scrapbooking.
This We'll Defend

The Camo Alphas do not come with apostrophes however, so using a period was the best I could do. It doesn't have a tail on it. Oh well.
But this was actually kind of fun.
Sgt. Stripes

And this piece was the funnest! It will make a great entry tomorrow for Tabby Tuesday, maybe with a brief bit on Veteran's Day and - what is it in Canada - Remembrance Day?
A cat with dog tags...too funny! And yet another stylin' hat for my sweet prince to wear! He!He!He!
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