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Smudge was the founder of House Panthers. Smudge was diagnosed with CRF in November of 2006. At the time it was suggested that he had six months to a year to live, but he has since made it past that and seems to be doing well with the one remaining kidney he has.
Originally he lived with Magoo, Bella and Dolce and blogged at And then there were four...eh? However, after he became sick, he began to associate his human Dad with the Vet visits, and decided that house was not his home anymore. He moved in with his Grandmaw and now lives with his new sisfur Chloe where he is more comfortable.
We don't hear much from Smudge these days since his Gramdmaw is not a blogging type human, but he seems happy and was last reported (Nov. of 2007) as doing well there.
I had gotten this background from MeeGee Designs, and combined with the Beachnut Mini Kit by Pam Lefors Designs, and Oceans by Butterfly (Um amor de bebe) to come up this the little tribute to him.
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