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Sly likes things. Lately he's been teaching us about plants. His full name is Sylvester and aside from Sly, he also goes by SlyGuy, Weasel, Buddy, Sneak, Meeeeeeeeh, and "Hey!"
He likes Chicken Treats, feather toys, warm napping spots, leaping, and tunneling under the bedcovers. When he grows up, he wants to be a Panther.
Sly may like things, but he loves Skittles the Huntress, who owns the key to his heart. His best buddy is his brofur Kon.
You can find Sly at Sly Likes Things.
I used Digital Freebies' Strong Shoes kit on this, it's one of my favorites. I also used it for the the pieces on Diego, Theo and Thompson. Hopefully I've managed different looks despite using the same pieces parts.
The lettering is from Free Digital Scrapbooking which offers some very useful basic pieces, including Alphas.
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