So in the end I purchased 3 of her kits: Cozy Autumn, Starlight, and Urban Chic.
Cozy Autumn
This tag was done using the Cozy Autumn kit and I was thinking of using it for my profile for November.

The little birds are from Creations by Jo Autumn Breeze kit. I remember seeing a bird pack somewhere too, but I can't remember if it was CU/color your own or not. If it was, it might be a useful thing to have.
The Fae is from Perfect Posers, and the little skunk was from Brandi's Creations. I love the butterflies in this kit and there were glitter splats too! I just love glitter splats!
It's a very nice kit and I'm very please with it. (And for a buck! What an unparalleled bargin!) And who knows? I might change my mind and do my blog layout using it.
I've wanted this one for a while, mostly because I like the colors. (This one also has glitter splats in it!)

The Fae is from LK Designs/Sophisticated Scraps. I like her work, but dislike the fact that she distrust the lot of us enough that she feels she has to add her own copyright, which usually ends up right in the middle of he design.
This is a really nice little kit, not just for faerie tags, but for spring as well.
I've haven't played with the Urban Chic one yet, as I was trying to get the cats to pose for me so I could take some photos, and I also wanted to curl up with my romance and read a bit, earlier than usual.
(For what it's worth, the Cats were largely uncooperative. Diamond did not want to pose with a TB Rays penant because she's a stanch Yankees fan, and Tristan is still a little new to the idea of posing.)
Winter Fun
One of the other kits I did get was the Winter Fun kit from Cinnamon Scraps. I've got maybe half a dozen Christmas/Winter kits with these little Characters/Stickers, which I think is enough. I should really quit, especially since all the designers seem to have purchased the same CD when it comes to the little characters. I do so love the little penguins tho...
(Maybe just ONE more... ::sigh::)

The photo is (c) 2001 by Ian Britton and is from The Fae is (c) 2008 by Incognito's Scrapz and is from her Fairy Pack 3 kit, which is a freebie. I actually ran across the kit this Fae originally appeared in, but I didn't note the name or the designer. (Edit: Night Wish from Classie Creations. You can find it HERE if you're curious.)
Anyway...the snow she's blowing is from Candy's Treat's O Christmas Tree kit. In the orginal kit, she's got fairy dust.
And no, she's not really dressed for the weather but faeries are magickal creatures so they don't get cold, do they?
One of my "prezzies" that I bought myself for my birthday, was a couple of books on Photoshop 5.0. The "...for Dummies" book turned up in the mail yesterday. I've pretty much just flipped through it at this point, and while I do know bunch of that stuff I'm sure there a ton of little tricks I've forgotten from my semi-formal training some years ago.
My major problem has been preserving the transparent qualities of .psd file to a .png, but I was working on a pieces yesterday and thought up something. "Oh, it can't be that easy," I thought. It was. You just export to a tranparent .gif and then resave it as a .png. Perhaps there is an easier way but...
I need to "fix this piece as the edges are not trued up and I need to put a lose the bit of white along the edges of the girl.

The scraps are from the new Showtime kit by Scrappy Lover. It struck me as a bit of a Phantom of the Opera inspired piece, but perhaps that's because we've all - the cat blogspere in general - got Phantom on the mind just now. The tube is from Aiya Riordan and is an artist freebie, available from her blog.
I will do the fixies tonight and re-upload. (Yes, I'm blogging at work, but I've really go nothing to do right now.)
I do like the kit, just not sure where I'm going with it yet, but that will come in time.
I also picked up the Autumn Leaves Pack 1 from Queenbrat and the Leopard Lush kit from Bittersweet Designs, which I've not worked with yet. And one more, which I did as you'll see in my next post!
I didn't get the color it yourself leaves pack as I wanted my leaves already colored, LOL.
Much as I like Digital Chaos, I'm really enjoying all the kits that Taggers Scraps is putting out. It's quite fun to browse through.
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